Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 28. november 2006 / Timeline November 28, 2006

Version 3.5

27. November 2006, 29. November 2006

Forfatteren Stefan Zweig fødes, 1881.

Government of Canada Announces R&D Investments in Joint Strike Fighter Projects!OpenDocument
BROSSARD, November 29, 2006
— The Honourable Michael M Fortier, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister responsible for the region of Montréal, on behalf of the Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Industry, today announced two repayable investments totalling $3.2 million in research and development (R&D) projects that will support two Canadian firms' participation in the multinational Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. These projects undertaken by Adacel Inc. and CaseBank Technologies Inc. will create and maintain highly skilled jobs in Canada, while contributing to improved pilot safety around the world.
"Canada's new government is working hard to maximise business opportunities available to Canadian firms under the JSF program," said Minister Fortier.
"Canada's aerospace and defence sector is a world-leader in innovative R&D projects," said Minister Bernier. "These investments focus on keeping pilots safe and using technology to detect problems before they happen."
Adacel Inc. a Quebec company based in Brossard, will receive a $1.5 million investment in a $3.8 million R&D project to develop an easy to use, adaptable and supportable speech recognition system. The technology will enable pilots to execute a variety of commands such as navigation and checklists by voice activation, thus keeping the pilot's focus on flying the aircraft and other mission-critical activities.
"This investment enables us to participate actively in the development of the world's most advanced fighter airplane through the application of leading edge speech recognition technology to the control of cockpit avionics," said Seth Brown, General Manager, Adacel Canada. "We appreciate the Government of Canada's continued support of advanced technology opportunities which otherwise may not be available to businesses of our size."
CaseBank Technologies Inc. of Brampton, Ontario, will receive $1.7 million for a $4.4-million project to develop software that will significantly improve the efficiency of maintenance support throughout the entire life cycle of the aircraft. This problem-solving diagnostic technology will yield both cost-saving and public safety benefits.
"This investment allows CaseBank to advance its diagnostic technology in collaboration with major international aerospace companies," said Phil D'Eon, President and Chief Technology Officer. "Our partnership with the Government of Canada helps to ensure that our technology will continue to be recognized as state-of the-art and globally competitive."
These investments are being made through Technology Partnerships Canada, an agency of Industry Canada, using a new model contribution agreement that emphasizes enhanced transparency and accountability.
Canada's New Government Invests in R&D Technology for Joint Strike Fighter Program
The Government of Canada is investing in the multinational Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program by committing $3.2 million to two research and development projects with Adacel Inc. of Brossard, Quebec and CaseBank Technologies Inc. of Brampton, Ontario.
The JSF program is a U.S.-led multinational effort to build an affordable, multi-role, fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft. In February 2002, the Government of Canada signed a memorandum of understanding with the United States Department of Defence, signalling the beginning of Canadian participation on the JSF program and providing the Canadian aerospace industry with access to the largest international defence contract ever awarded. This program generates many technological and economic benefits for Canadians.
As part of a $3.8 million program, the $1.5 million investment with Adacel aims to provide an easy to use, adaptable and supportable speech recognition system for use in the cockpit of the F-35 aircraft being produced by Lockheed Martin. This technology will free up the pilot's hands allowing for voice commands under high gravity force manoeuvres. The system will be capable of functioning in a hostile acoustical environment using very limited processing resources. Some of the commands supported by the system will include navigation, checklists, tactical functions, and data retrieval.
Based in Brossard, Quebec, Adacel Inc. has 150 employees and specializes in Air Traffic Control Simulation and Air Traffic Management software technologies. Chosen in September 2005 by Lockheed Martin to develop the speech recognition system, Adacel's market for advanced software applications and services is global, servicing civil and military organizations, aeronautical universities and large international aviation and defence suppliers.
CaseBank will receive an investment of $1.7 million in a $4.4 million project to enhance software tools and methods used to plan for the effects of possible product failures and improve the level of automation in diagnosing faults in complex aircraft systems. While this technology is targeted at the F-35 aircraft being produced by Lockheed Martin through the JSF program, it will also be appropriate for use in other advanced aircraft.
CaseBank employs approximately 25 people and specializes in software systems designed to support the troubleshooting of complex equipment, systems and processes. It is among the few companies in the world specializing in Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Health Management (DPHM), recognized as a growth area in the aerospace and defence markets.

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co., Sunnyvale, Calif., is being awarded a $50,977,001 cost-plus-award fee contract modification. This modification of the Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) MILSATCOM Systems Wing contract provides for transition from legacy Milstar ground control and mission planning equipment to new AEHF equipment. This realignment is necessary to account for delays in the deliver of new command post terminals and the need to reduce the operational impact of the transition. This realignment also includes a program decision to upload the final planned increment of satellite software capability before launch vice after to avoid an interruption to future operations. The turnover date is extended by seven months for additional preparation and tests while the launch date remains unchanged. At this time, $8,071,276 have been obligated. This work will be complete May 2010. Headquarters Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing, Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif., is the contracting activity. (F04701-02-C-0002/P00195)
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Clearfield, Utah, is being awarded a $15,070,752 firm-fixed-price, and cost-plus-fixed fee contract modification. The Air Force is exercising option one and three for the Propulsion System Rocket Engine Life Extension Program effort on the ICBM Prime Integration Contract. This action will also include refurbishment of 96 propulsion system rocket engines and flushing of seven attitude control engines. At this time, $14,962,025 have been obligated. This work will be complete by October 2008. Headquarters Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity. (F42610-98-C-0001/No mod # at this time)
Northrop Grumman Defense Mission Systems, Reston, Va., is being awarded a $7,151,995 cost-plus-award fee contract modification. This contract will provide non-personal services in support of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) information technology networks and intelligence applications at USSTRATCOM, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., the Global Innovation Strategy Center (GISC) and Western CONUS Regional Service Center. This contract support includes the operations, maintenance, and management of the systems through systems administration, database management, software maintenance and enhancements, service center operations, communications security, etc. The subject contract will include an eleven month base performance period, and four one-year option periods that could result in a total contract length of sixty months. At this time, total funds have been obligated. This work will be complete November 2011. Headquarters 55th Wing, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., is the contracting activity. (FA4600-07-C-0001/No modification # at this time)
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., McLean, Va., is being awarded a $5,611,520 cost-plus-award fee contract modification. The Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) required in the contract will focus on acquisition program management and systems engineering/analysis capability to support future system program that include, but are not limited to: Land Based Strategic Defense (LBSD), Common Air Vehicle (CAV), Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), Demonstration/Validation (Dem/Val) Integrated Applications Program (IAP), and ICBM Long Range Requirements Planning (ILRP) Studies. This action exercises option two (2) of the contract and implements a period of performance from 1 December 2006 through 30 November 2007. At this time, $4,356,216 have been obligated. This work will be complete by November 2007. Headquarters 526th ICBM Systems Wing, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity. (FA8204-05-C-0022/P00012)



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