Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 27. november 2006 / Timeline November 27, 2006

Version 3.5

26. November 2006, 28. November 2006

Pentagon Releases New Report of Spying on Quakers, Peace Activists and Veterans
Brenda Norrell
TUCSON, Ariz. ­ In this age of McCarthyism and censorship, the United States Pentagon has released a new set of documents showing it spied on peace activists, Quakers and Veterans for Peace, in what is surely a modest list of the spy operations of the Pentagon.
Pointing out that counter-terrorism resources are being used to spy on regular Americans, the American Civil Liberties Union called on Congress to investigate the surveillance of political and religious groups by the Defense Department, FBI and Department of Homeland Security.
Recent targets of the Pentagon's Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) were peace activists, Quakers and Veterans for Peace. The information comes from e-mails and sources.
Peace activists were spied on in Sacramento, New Orleans, Las Cruces, N.M., Fayetteville, N.C., Atlanta, Akron, Ohio, Springfield, Illinois, and elsewhere. They were spied on at a prayer service in New York.
However, the increase in spy surveillance has not dampened the efforts of peace activists and human rights activists across the nation.
In Tucson, Ariz., and elsewhere, activists are as busy, if not busier, than ever.
Isabel Garcia, co-chair of Derechos Humanos Coalition, was awarded Mexico's highest honor for human rights in November. Mexico's Human Rights Commission will present the Human Rights Award 2006 to Garcia in Mexico City in December.
Garcia, longtime advocate for border rights, has been in the forefront of the border struggle as she urged, "respect for the humanity of each individual". Garcia, an attorney, has also been a target of opposition by hate groups, including Border Guardians.
Also in southern Arizona, two Roman Catholic priests were arrested as they protested military intelligence training that fosters torture at Fort Huachuca on Nov. 19.
Franciscan Fr. Louie Vitale and Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly were arrested as they attempted to talk to Major General Barbara Fast, the highest-ranking officer linked to the tortures in Abu Ghraib. Fast has not been punished for her involvement. Two other officers with links to Fort Huachuca were implicated for beating deaths in Afghanistan in 2002. As the priests prayed, they were arrested and charged with trespass and released.
The Fort Huachuca protest was carried out as 20,000 others protested the infamous School of the Americas in Georgia, now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Known for training torture techniques for militaries around the world, the school trained Latin leaders who were later convicted of murder, disappearances and heinous crimes.
While Tucson is absent from the Pentagon's recently released spy reports, activists conclude that their names are not yet available because the spy operations are ongoing.
Amnesty International activists in Tucson are releasing the names and details of secret prisons, including flights from North Carolina to secret prisons, and the seizure and torture of innocent persons.
Meanwhile, the International Indian Treaty Council hosted the Border Summit of the Americas in San Xavier on the Tohono O'odham Nation, bordering Tucson, and opposed the U.S. and Mexico border wall and militarization of Indigenous homelands.
Tohono O'odham also opposed a secret hazardous waste dump planned by Mexico, with the U.S. EPA's knowledge, 40 miles south of the border in Quitovac, Sonora, Mexico. O'odham from the U.S. and Mexico have annual ceremonies in Quitovac. The international border dissects their homelands and a border wall will further impede ceremonies and traditional routes.
Since the United States is gripped in fear and censorship, the mainstream media, for the most part, has failed to report these stories in the United States.
On Alcatraz Island, the International Indian Treaty Council brought together Pomo Indian, Palestinian and Aztec dancers, and speakers representing some of the most revolutionary and progressive thinkers, on Nov. 23. IITC said the event was not meant to cater to the Thanksgiving concept that celebrates "pitiful alien pilgrims".
Western Shoshone gathered to launch a new effort to protect the land from gold mines in November. Since the Bureau of Land Management seized the horses of Carrie and May Dann near Crescent Valley, Nev., gold mines, including operations of Barrick Gold, have rapidly spread across the Western Shoshone's sacred land of Mount Tenabo.
While Al Jazeera recently provided coverage, few, if any, newspapers in the United States have covered the U.S. government operation of seizing horses, including wild horses, to clear the way for gold mining operations in Nevada.
Meanwhile, Pentagon spy operations focus on peace activists.
The Quakers, whose philosophy is based on peace, have recently been a focus of federal spy operations, according to Pentagon documents.
American Indians and their peaceful protests, especially in Denver, have also been a focus of local police spy operations.
Earlier, the ACLU revealed that Denver police maintained secret spy files on American Indians and peace activists spanning 30 years. In a case that resulted in new regulations for the Denver Police Intelligence Bureau, the ACLU exposed secret police spy files maintained on attorneys at the Native American Rights Fund, a U.S. senator, Indian tribal leaders and the American Indian Movement.
Denver police spied on peaceful organizations working for Indigenous rights, including organizations to help Indigenous in Chiapas and Navajos resisting relocation on Black Mesa in Arizona. Eighty-year-old grandmothers, whose only offense was to have a "Free Leonard Peltier" bumper sticker on their car bumper were under surveillance by Denver police.
With so many people spied on, activists are asking one question: "How does the Pentagon get any work done?"
The ACLU said that Congress has failed to investigate how the Pentagon collected the information on innocent Americans and to examine which other agencies received these reports. In addition, Congress has yet to act on the hundreds of FBI documents previously obtained by the ACLU that show widespread surveillance by Joint Terrorism Task Forces of peace activists, religious groups, environmental groups and animal rights activists.
"There is increasing evidence that the Pentagon improperly targeted innocent Americans for surveillance", said Ben Wizner, an ACLU staff attorney. "These documents send a chilling message that if you oppose the war, the military is watching you. That is simply un-American."
One of the reports, on April 8, 2005 report lists planned protests by Veterans for Peace at nine different universities across the country. The source of the information, described as an active duty Army officer, states that "Veterans for Peace is a peaceful organization, but there is potential future protest could become violent."
The Sacramento Bee is one of the few newspapers in America covering the latest Pentagon spy files.
Bee staff reporters Crystal Carreon and Dorothy Korber write of the Sacramento peace activists targeted. "It is the latest in a series of cases that includes the California National Guard's spying on anti-war grandmothers and secret wiretapping by the National Security Agency."
ACLU calls for investigation
"Area activists spied on"
Sacramento Bee
Brenda Norrell
Human Rights Editor
U.N. OBSERVER & International Report

Insurance Companies to Pay Refunds to GIs for Deceptive Sales
By Elaine Wilson
Special to American Forces Press Service
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, Nov. 27, 2006 - Life insurance companies are being held accountable for their improper sales practices to military members.
Four companies in the past three months have agreed to a multi-state settlement agreement after Texas Department of Insurance investigators uncovered a pattern of deception to young troops.
Under the agreements, the companies will refund more than $70 million to more than 93,000 consumers, including about 71,000 servicemembers, according to Texas Department of Insurance news releases.
The first settlement, reached Aug. 3, came after a 20-month investigation by Texas and Georgia, together with the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, into the sales practices of three Waco, Texas-based companies: American-Amicable Life Insurance Company of Texas, Pioneer American Insurance Company and Pioneer Security Life Insurance Company.
State regulators and federal agencies claim that the life insurance companies "targeted young recruits and misled them into believing they were buying an investment product." The servicemembers were actually purchasing an expensive term-life product that was coupled with a side fund and called the "Wealth Builder" or "Horizon Life," according to the release.
The second settlement, reached Oct. 17, involves the Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company.
In 2004, TDI investigators learned that several Boston Mutual agents were soliciting and selling life insurance to low-ranking soldiers in the Fort Hood, Texas, area by misrepresenting the insurance as a savings or investment plan, said Jim Hurley, TDI spokesman. The activity led to the multi-state examination of the company's sales to military personnel.
The company will refund a total of $427,529.57 to 1,784 military members who bought life insurance policies between Jan. 1, 2002, and April 30, 2005.
"Servicemembers need to be skeptical and shop around if interested in purchasing life insurance," said Tim Haight, acting chief, Client Services Division, Fort Sam Houston Legal Assistance Office. "Educate yourself. The best place to start when considering investments or additional insurance is to get sound advice from a certified financial planner."
The companies are notifying servicemembers with current or lapsed policies affected by the agreements, Hurley said. Consumers who feel they are affected but have not received notification can call the companies' consumer service center at 800-736-7311.
(Elaine Wilson is assigned to the Fort Sam Houston Public Information Office.)

U.S. Arms Minuteman ICBMs With New Warheads
Global Security Newswire
Beginning in October, U.S. Air Force personnel began swapping out old nuclear warheads on U.S. missiles and replacing them with a more modern design, the W87.
The technicians began installing one warhead a week on an estimated 300 missiles in silos in Montana, Nebraska and Wyoming, Inside Bay Area reported.
The newer design, dating from the mid-1980s, replaces a 1960s design known as the W62. By replacing the oldest design in the U.S. nuclear arsenal, the military will save hundreds of millions of dollars it would have otherwise spent maintaining the warheads, according to defense officials. The move would also allow the number of nuclear warheads deployed on land-based missiles to be cut in half by 2012, according to Inside Bay Area.
Switching from the older design only became possible after three years of research at a cost of $250 million...



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