Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 21. november 2006 / Timeline November 21, 2006

Version 3.5

20. November 2006, 22. November 2006

The Lives & Deaths of Iraqi Gays
Anti-Gay Death Squads in Iraq
by Peter Tatchell
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 -- Another five gay men were abducted at gun-point by Iraqi police in Baghdad on 9 November. Nothing has been heard of them since then. It is feared that they may have been murdered.
These disappearances are the latest "sexual cleansing" operation mounted by Islamist death squads who have infiltrated the police. They are systematically targeting gays and lesbians for extra-judicial execution, as part of their so-called moral purification campaign.
The kidnapped men are Amjad 27, Rafid 29, Hassan 24, Ayman 19 and Ali 21. All were members of Iraq's clandestine gay rights movement, Iraqi LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender). For the last few months, they had been documenting the killing of lesbians and gays, relaying details of the barbaric homophobic murders to the outside world and providing safe houses and support to queers fleeing the death squads.
At the time of the police raid, the five men were holding a secret meeting in a safe house in the al-Shaab district of Baghdad. They were communicating with the founder and head of Iraqi LGBT, Ali Hili, who operates from London, UK. "Suddenly there was a lot of noise, then the connection ended," recalls Mr. Hili.
Earlier, in June this year, lslamist death squads burst into the home of two lesbians in city of Najaf. They shot them dead, slashed their throats, and also murdered a young child the lesbians had rescued from the sex trade. The two women, both in their mid-30s, were members of Iraqi LGBT. They were providing a safe house for gay men on the run from death squads. By sheer luck, none of the men who were being given shelter in the house were at home when the assassins struck. They have now fled to Baghdad and are hiding in an Iraqi LGBT safe house in the suburbs.
These latest horrific homophobic kidnappings and murders are a snapshot of the rapidly growing power and menace of Iraq's death squads, many of which belong to militias that are hell-bent on turning the country into a fundamentalist Islamic state. Some operate within the police and others independently. All owe their allegiance to firebrand, militant clerics.
Large parts of Iraq, including many Baghdad neighborhoods, are now under the de facto control of these fundamentalist militias and their death squad units. They enforce a harsh interpretation of Sharia law, summarily executing people for what they denounce as "crimes against Islam." These "crimes" include listening to western pop music, wearing shorts or jeans, drinking alcohol, selling videos, working in a barber's shop, homosexuality, dancing, having a Sunni name, adultery and, in the case of women, not being veiled or walking in the street unaccompanied by a male relative.
Two militias are doing most of the killing. They are the armed wings of major parties in the Bush and Blair-backed Iraqi government. Madhi is the militia of Muqtada al-Sadr, and Badr is the militia of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), which is the leading political force in Baghdad's government coalition. Both militias want to establish an Iranian-style religious dictatorship -- or worse.
Some of the anti-war left in Britain and the US support Muqtada al-Sadr, despite his goal of clerical fascism and his militia's involvement in death squad killings. They hail him as a national resistance hero for fighting the US and UK occupation of Iraq; totally ignoring his militia's sectarian murder of innocent Sunni Muslims, women and gay people. The allied occupation of Iraq is bad enough. But victory for the Madhi or Badr militias would result in a reign of religious terror many times worse.
The execution of lesbian and gay Iraqis by Islamist death squads and militias is symptomatic of the fate that will befall all Iraqis if the fundamentalists continue to gain influence. The summary killing of queers is the 'canary in the coal mine' -- a warning of the barbarism to come...

National Security Archive Update, November 21, 2006
Offical Report Released on Mexico's "Dirty War"
Government Acknowledges Responsibility for Massacres, Torture, Disappearances and Genocide
Washington, DC, November 21, 2006 - Mexican authorities released a groundbreaking report over the weekend on the government's use of violent repression to crush its opponents during the 1960s-80s. The National Security Archive posted the full report today on the Mexico Project Web page.
The report by the Office of Special Prosecutor Ignacio Carrillo Prieto, named by President Vicente Fox in 2002 to investigate past human rights crimes, accuses three Mexican presidents of a sustained policy of violence targeting armed guerrillas and student protesters alike, including the use of "massacres, forced disappearance, systematic torture, and genocide." The report makes clear that the abuses were not the work of individual military units or renegade officers, but official practice under Presidents Díaz Ordaz (1964-1970), Echeverría (1970-1976) and López Portillo (1976-1982).
The document's release marks the first time the Mexican government has accepted responsibility for waging a secret and illicit war against its perceived enemies. Unlike prior investigations into the Mexican "dirty war," the Special Prosecutor's report draws on thousands of secret records from the vaults of Mexican military, intelligence and police agencies. It traces for the first time the flow of orders from the President, the Defense Secretary and the Interior Ministry down to the soldiers and security agents in the field, and the returning flow of reports back to Mexico City. The official sources are complemented by testimonies and eyewitness accounts gathered by the investigators.
Last February, the National Security Archive posted an earlier draft of the report, when it became clear that the Fox government was hesitating to publish the official document. Today's version was released late on Friday night, November 17, at the start of a long weekend in Mexico, and posted on the website of the Mexican Attorney General's office. It is over 800 pages long, and contains photographs, declassified government records, and lengthy indexes to organizations and names.
The report includes chapters on the 1968 and 1971 student massacres in Mexico City, the counterinsurgency waged against armed guerrillas in Guerrero during the 1970s, and the broader attack on dissidence throughout the country over the almost two decades covered by the investigation. The report details with names 645 disappearances, 99 extrajudicial executions, and more than two thousand cases of torture, among other human rights violations documented.
"The Special Prosecutor's report release is a direct result of the demand of Mexican citizens to know what happened during the dirty war," Kate Doyle, Director of the Archive's Mexico Project, said today, "and is unique in the annals of Latin American truth commissions for the access investigators had to government records. In the past, not only did the authoritarian regime violently attack its opponents, it sought to cover up its role through lies, terror and intimidation for years afterwards. But while the report takes an important step toward reversing Mexico's legacy of impunity, the Fox administration failed in its attempts to prosecute those responsible for the crimes described in it. That job is left to the new government of Felipe Calderón, who takes office on December 1."

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Lockheed Martin Corp., Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $1,046,165,392 firm-fixed-price contract modification. This action provides for (23) F-22 aircraft and (1) F-22 replacement test aircraft. This action supports the F-22 Lot 6 Full Production contract. At this time, $1,466,447,970 have been obligated. This work will be complete February 2010. PA POC for this contract is Aeronautical Systems Center Media Division, (937) 255-2250. Headquarters Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8611-05-C-2850).



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