Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. Mars 2006 / Time Line March 6, 2006

Version 3.5

5. Mars 2006, 7. Mars 2006

PRESS RELEASE: 6 March 2006 (Stephan Smith)
By: Gandhi Information Center
The US American singer, songwriter and activist Stephan Smith from New York (USA) signed the "Manifesto against conscription and the military system" on 5 March 2006. His anti-war song "The Bell" became famous, because he sang his protest song at a prophetic anti-war manifestation on 20 April 2002 in the US capital Washington and later recorded it together with folk legend Pete Seeger.
Howard Zinn wrote about "The Bell": "Stephan Smith's song THE BELL concentrates a world of meaning into its few lines. At the center of it is a child, which is perfectly fitting, because it is the children who are always the most heartbreaking victims of war, and who will be the victims of America's next war. The wisdom of the child stands in contrast to the platitudes uttered by the warmaker, "the man at his desk". The child sees through the false claim that to go to war means to love your country. The child sees through the Orwellian deceptions, in which lies are presented as truth. It is the child who challenges the call to war. And it is the child in the end who shows no fear, and it is the warmaker who must be afraid, because the courage of the child has a greater power than guns and bombs." Stephan Smith wrote in his message: "May the world realize in our time at last what we all instinctively know: that a sustainable peace will only be achieved when we fulfill our primary obligation, and humanity's incessant aspiration: to live equally together." You find Stephan Smith's website under:

Commission to Examine Use, Funding of Reserve Components
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 6, 2006 - A congressionally appointed commission will commence the most comprehensive review of the National Guard and reserves in history.
Retired Marine Maj. Gen. Arnold Punaro chairs the 13-member commission.
The reserve components have played an increasingly important part in the global war on terror, Punaro said during an interview. Congress formed the commission on the National Guard and Reserves as part of the 2005 National Defense Authorization Act.
Commission on the National Guard and Reserves []



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