Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 5 Marts 2006 / Time Line March 5, 2006

Version 3.5

4. Mars 2006, 6. Mars 2006

Winston S. Churchill holder Fultontalen som igangsatte den kolde krig, 1946.

Why MI5 monitored singer Ewan MacColl
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News at the National Archives
Folk singer, activist...
International award-winning folk singer, militant rambler and agit-prop playwright, he certainly was. But did Ewan MacColl, the father of the late singer Kirsty MacColl pose a threat to the nation?
MI5, the security service, clearly thought so, as secret files reveal spies kept tabs on the entertainer during the 1930s and 40s.
The files reveal that MI5 and the police monitored his theatre work, BBC performances and general political activity.
When he deserted the Army in the middle of World War II, they launched a fruitless search for the working-class folk hero - but strangely they never took action when he re-launched his career following VE Day.



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