Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. januar 2006 / Time Line January 17, 2006

Version 3.5

16. Januar 2006, 18. Januar 2006

Doubling in seven years: Unless the Pentagon drastically changes missile defense priorities, investment will double by 2013
By: Victoria Samson
Center for Defense Information
A recent report by the Congressional Budgetary Office (CBO) put the annual cost of missile defense peaking at $19 billion by 2013. Even this number is probably on the low end, as it is based on an architecture that CBO formulated itself, since missile defense programs (unlike other Pentagon weapons systems) do not need to submit a timeline detailing their projected cost throughout the systems’ operational lifetimes to the Secretary of Defense. CBO’s “The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans and Alternatives: Detailed Update for Fiscal Year 2006” took a hard look at the programs’ futures and what, if anything, should be done with them. Indeed, CBO’s proposed “evolutionary” alternative would stop missile defense deployment entirely and instead have missile defense research and development holding steady at $3 billion annually...

New Zogby Poll: 52% of Americans Support Impeaching Bush for Wiretapping
By a margin of 52% to 43%, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he wiretapped American citizens without a judge's approval, according to a new poll commissioned by After Downing Street and conducted by Zogby International.
"The American people are not buying Bush's outrageous claim that he has the power to wiretap American citizens without a warrant. Americans believe terrorism can be fought without turning our own government into Big Brother," said co-founder Bob Fertik.
Read the results and print out a one-page flyer summarizing the various polls that have been done on impeachment:

Bush on Trial in New York This Weekend
Is the Bush Administration guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity? Even raising this question has been ruled out of order and out of bounds in the U.S. today, but on January 20-22 in NYC an unprecedented citizens Commission of Inquiry will ask -- and seek to answer -- exactly these questions and alter the terms of debate about this government.
Internationally-known expert witnesses and whistleblowers from the US and UK will testify in five areas: war, torture, global environment, global health (AIDs and reproductive rights), and the administration’s response to Katrina. Witnesses and judges include former commander of Abu Ghraib prison Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, former British ambassador Craig Murray (quoted today by Al Gore) who exposed US use of torture in Uzbekistan, Scott Ritter, Dennis Brutus, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Dahr Jamail, Guantanamo prisoners’ lawyer Michael Ratner, David Swanson, Katrina survivors, former US diplomat and retired US Army Reserve Colonel Ann Wright.
Indictments from the Commission’s first session were delivered to the White House on January 10 by a delegation including Ray McGovern who told the press: "Back in the '30s the Germans hunkered down and hoped that Hitler and the Nazis would just go away. They didn't do the kind of thing [we are doing here]. Unlawful wiretapping and spying, Iraq and the torture and detentions, and on and on. This can't go down unopposed." Ann Wright on the Tribunal: "These are indictments that will ultimately bring down this administration."
The Commission is open to the public. Friday/Saturday sessions are at Riverside Church, Sunday session at Columbia Law School. More info:

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Clearfield, Utah, is being awarded a $225,239,806 cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-award-fee contract modification. This action provides for the intercontinental ballistic missile propulsion replacement program, Full Rate Production (FRP) options FRP5, FRP6, and FRP7, restructure modification for two-hundred and twelve (212) stage 1, 2 and 3 motors, production quality assurance, ordnance production and contractor cost data reports. This work will be complete in March 2008. At this time, total funds have been obligated. Negotiations were complete in May 2005. The Headquarters 528th ICBM Systems Wing, Hill Air Force Base, UT, is the contracting activity. (F42610-98-C-0001). A modification number for this requirement has not been assigned.



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