Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 20. september 2005 / Timeline September 20, 2005

Version 3.5

19. September 2005, 21. September 2005

Peace campaigners spend third day up military mast
By Trident Ploughshares
Two peace campaigners are beginning the third day of a high-altitude protest up a 150 foot high communications mast at a secret military fuel base at Padworth Common, Berkshire.
Kate Holcombe and Ludd McCloud scaled the mast at 4.00 am on Saturday morning (17^th September) and unfurled giant banners down the mast reading 'Nukes Out' and 'US Bases out of UK'.
They are currently safely anchored on a maintenance platform halfway up the tower and have sufficient food and water to allow them to stay there for several days.
Their protest takes place at a military fuel storage and distribution hub at Padworth Common in Berkshire with the aim of disrupting fuel distribution to the UK's nuclear weapons factory at Aldermaston and United States military bases in the UK, which receive fuel through the pipeline network served by the Padworth depot.
The storage and supply depot, located between the UK's two nuclear weapons factories at Aldermaston and Burghfield is part of a nationwide network of military fuel lines supplying US and British military establishments throughout the UK.
Kate Holcombe from Worcestershire said: "In 1952 Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill agreed that in an emergency the United States could use bases in the UK. That agreement has been corrupted by Tony Blair, into his own 'Special Relationship'. The illegal attack on Iraq was no emergency and the United States use of the UK as a material launchpad for its illegal wars has no basis in any agreement or in UK law.
"The US has declared its agenda to gain global military supremacy of Land, Sea, Air, Space and Cyberspace in its Joint Vision for 2020. It must be stopped as Hitler was, and its bases in and on UK territories closed."
Belgian Ludd McCloud says, "I am recruited by a growing international/ /network of insurgents to help stop the US war machine in the UK. International help is flowing in to stop further War Crimes being committed.
"The UK government and military is internationally a favourite target for insurgents but unfortunately for terrorists also because it's willingly providing necessary support for US imperialism. Taking action now is urgent for the US is paving the way for a pre-emptive nuclear strike as their Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations predicts.
"Britain must also fulfil international agreements to disarm its nuclear weapons and not fuel an international nuclear arms race by developing new ones under various agreements and partnerships with the United States and its corporations."
Kate and Ludd are both members of anti nuclear campaign group Trident Ploughshares.
The Padworth site is owned by the Ministry of Defence's Oil and Pipelines Agency and is part of the Government Pipeline and Storage System (GPSS). The site is operated by private contractors Babcock Infrastructure Services on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.

U.S. Deactivates Peacekeeper Missile
The United States officially deactivated its Peacekeeper nuclear missile yesterday at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming The base housed the last 50 Peacekeepers, also known as MX missiles, deployed in the United States. Washington began removing the 71-foot-tall weapons from its ICBM arsenal in 2002, AP reported.

Bush Buddies At Halliburton's KBR Gave Iraq Troops Raw Sewage, Bacteria & Parasites In Untreated Water For Years
"Incompetence And Willful Negligence In Protecting The Water Supply"
Sept. 20 (
Former KBR employees and water quality specialists, Ben Carter and Ken May, told HalliburtonWatch that KBR knowingly exposes troops and civilians to contaminated water from Iraq's Euphrates River. One internal KBR email provided to HalliburtonWatch says that, for "possibly a year," the level of contamination at one camp was two times the normal level for untreated water.
"I discovered the water being delivered from the Euphrates for the military was not being treated properly and thousands were being exposed daily to numerous pathogenic organisms," Carter informed HalliburtonWatch.
Carter worked at Camp Ar Ramadi, located 70 miles west of Baghdad in the notoriously violent Sunni Triangle, but he says water contamination problems exist throughout Iraq's military camps.
He helped manage KBR's Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU), which is a water treatment system designed to produce potable (drinkable) water from a variety of raw water sources such as lakes, lagoons and rivers. ROWPU is supposed to provide the troops with clean water from Iraq's Euphrates River.
William Granger of KBR Water Quality for Iraq reached this conclusion in an email after investigating Carter's complaint: "Fact: We exposed a base camp population (military and civilian) to a water source that was not treated. The level of contamination was roughly 2x the normal contamination of untreated water from the Euphrates River..."

CONTRACTS from the United States Department of Defense
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, Reston, Virginia, is being awarded an Indefinite - Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) / award term contract to support Ballistic Missile Defense System operational components that may be deployed in the future; support the Missile Defnse Agency/Integration Center missile defense related analysis, system level engineering, integration, interoperability, and test and evaluation; support development of Joint and Combined missile defense doctrine, requirements, and concept of operations through simulations, wargames and exercises; provide a rapid prototyping environment for air and missile defense missions; support combatant commands by integrating missile defense concepts, space asset exploitation, and battle management/command and control, communications, computers, and intelligence. The minimum award value is $30 million for the first award period and the maximum award value is $500 million with a potential total maximum for all options and award terms of $2.5 billion. The primary performance is at Schriever AFB, Colorado. This is a two-year base period of performance with three one-year options, and five-one year award terms for a potential maximum contract length of ten years. The initial contract period of performance is February 1, 2006 to January 31, 2008. The Missile Defense Agency is the contracting activity (H95001-06-D-0001).



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