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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. Juni 2005 / Time Line June 1, 2005

Version 3.0

Maj 2005, 2. Juni 2005

Det er nu 25 måneder siden, at USAs præsident Bush erklærede krigen i Irak for vundet.

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense
DoD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Staff Sgt. Victor M. Cortes III, 29, of Erie, Pa., died May 29 in Baghdad, Iraq of non-combat-related injuries. Cortes was assigned to the 703rd Forward Support Batttalion, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense
National Guard and Reserve Mobilized as of June 1, 2005
This week, the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps announced a decrease in the number of reservists on active duty in support of the partial mobilization, while the Coast Guard number increased. The net collective result is 550 fewer reservists mobilized than last week.
At any given time, services may mobilize some units and individuals while demobilizing others, making it possible for these figures to either increase or decrease. Total number currently on active duty in support of the partial mobilization for the Army National Guard and Army Reserve is 144.301; Naval Reserve, 3,415; Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve, 9,468; Marine Corps Reserve, 10,648; and the Coast Guard Reserve, 593. This brings the total National Guard and Reserve personnel, who have been mobilized, to 168,425, including both units and individual augmentees.

Vejledende folkeafstemning om EU-forfatningstraktaten i Holland. 63 procent af vælgerne stemmer nej.

Apologizes for historical ties to slavery and plans to work with community partners to increase education and awareness of African-American history
CHARLOTTE, NC – Wachovia Corporation recently commissioned a leading historical research firm to conduct research on its predecessor institutions. The resulting research revealed that two institutions that ultimately became part of Wachovia through acquisitions, the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston, owned slaves.
Through specific transactional records, the research company determined that the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company owned at least 162 slaves, and the Bank of Charleston accepted at least 529 slaves as collateral on mortgaged properties or loans, and subsequently acquired an undetermined number of these individuals when customers defaulted on their loans.
“On behalf of Wachovia Corporation, I apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans and people of African descent,” said Ken Thompson, Wachovia chairman and chief executive officer. “We are deeply saddened by these findings.”
Wachovia has made the full research report available on its Web site. In addition, Wachovia plans to partner with community organizations that are experts in furthering awareness and education of African-American history, in order to help preserve the African-American experience and incorporate this important piece of our country’s history in educational forums. Wachovia will approach this effort as it does all community partnerships, bringing a dedicated relationship, commitment of financial resources and the power of its employee volunteer network.
“We know that we cannot change the past, and we can’t make up for the wrongs of slavery,” said Thompson. “But we can learn from our past, and begin a stronger dialogue about slavery and the experience of African-Americans in our country. Today Wachovia is a company that is committed to respecting individuals and building an inclusive work environment. We want to promote a better understanding of the African-American experience, including the unique struggles, triumphs and contributions of African-Americans, and their important role in America’s past and present. This is a natural fit with our company’s strong focus on diversity, education and communities.”

Issues Need to Be Addressed in Managing and Funding Base Operations and Facilities Support
June 2005
Congress has designated increased funding for BOS programs in recent years, sometimes more than requested, but because those amounts were often less than the cost of BOS services provided at installations, hundreds of millions of dollars designated for S/RM and other purposes were redesignated by the military services to pay for BOS. As GAO has previously reported, such funding movements while permissible are disruptive to the orderly provision of services, contribute to the degradation of many installation facilities, and can adversely affect the quality of life and morale of military personnel. The problem appears to be greatest in the Army.
Further, in fiscal year 2004, U.S. military installations faced additional pressures in managing available BOS and S/RM funding as the services redesignated varying amounts of these funds to help pay for the Global War on Terrorism. Similar problems are reportedly occurring in fiscal year 2005.
While difficult to quantify, installation officials at the locations GAO visited voiced concerns about the potential for these conditions to adversely affect operations and readiness in the future. Moreover, such movements of funds add considerable uncertainty regarding actual BOS requirements and the extent of underfunding.



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