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Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 23. Juli 2005 / Time Line July 23, 2005

Version 3.0

22. Juli 2005, 24. Juli 2005

US anti-war grannies face justice
Elderly members of a US anti-war group called the "raging grannies of Tucson" are due in court following a protest at an Arizona military recruitment centre. They have been accused of trespassing after entering the centre earlier this month, saying they wanted to enlist. The group, mostly women in their 60s and 70s, said they wanted to go to Iraq so their grandchildren could come home. An army spokeswoman says the protesters were not serious about enlisting and were harassing recruiters. Nine people - five elderly activists and four journalists - are due to appear in court on Monday.
The Raging Grannies, who are associated with the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, have held protests outside the Tucson recruitment centre every week for three years.
On 13 July the group decided to enter the premises.
We would like to replace our young who are in the firing line
Pat Birnie
Raging Grannies of Tucson
"We went in saying we were here to enlist, but they didn't believe us," Pat Birnie, a spokeswoman for the group, told the BBC News website. "We read a statement, sang songs, and then we left."
Ms Birnie, 75, said the protesters were well outside the centre when police arrived and said they were trespassing, a criminal offence. She said the charge was an "overreaction", and that the grannies had been serious about joining the army. "We would like to replace our young who are in the firing line," Ms Birnie said.

Pentagon Paid The Rendon Group $1.6 Million To Influence Vieques Vote
Contra Costa Times, July 23, 2005
The U.S. Navy spent over $1.6 million on PR work to influence a vote on whether part of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques would continue to serve as a bombing range, the Associated Press reports. Documents obtained by Judical Watch show The Rendon Group was contracted by the Navy in 2001 to "develop methods and tracking procedures to increase support among citizens in Vieques to support and vote in the 6 November 2001 referendum for the option of continued Navy training at Vieques." The Rendon Group has assisted a number of U.S. military interventions in nations including Argentina, Colombia, Haiti, Kosovo, Panama and Zimbabwe. Rendon's activities also include organizing the Iraqi National Congress in 1992 as part of a covert CIA plan to foment the overthrow of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. The secretive firm has been paid over $40 million by the Defense Department since September 11, 2001.



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