Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. August 2005 / Timeline August 6, 2005

Version 3.5

5. August 2005, 7. August 2005

Amerikansk atombombe eksploderer over den japanske by Hiroshima, 1945.

The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 162
Edited by William Burr
Posted - August 5, 2005
Comprehensive Collection Includes "Ultra Secret" Comint, Truman Meetings, First-ever English Language Publication of Japanese Sources on End of War
5 August 2005 - On the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, the National Security Archive publishes on the World Wide Web the most comprehensive on-line collection to date of declassified U.S. government documents on the first use of the atomic bomb and the end of the war in the Pacific. Besides material from the files of the Manhattan Project and senior officials, this posting includes formerly top secret "Magic" summaries and translations of intercepted Japanese diplomatic cable traffic. It also publishes for the first time anywhere complete translations from the Japanese of accounts of key high level meetings and discussions in Tokyo leading to the end of the war.
The documents should help readers to make up their own minds over the long-standing controversies over such questions as whether the first use of atomic weapons was justified, whether it was crucial to obtain Japan's surrender, and whether President Truman had alternatives to atomic attacks to ending the war. Since the 1960s, when the declassification of important sources began, historians have engaged in vigorous debate over the bomb and the end of World War II. Drawing on sources at the National Archives and the Library of Congress as well as Japanese materials, this briefing book presents key documents that historians of the events have used to make their arguments. The documents in this compilation cover a variety of issues, including:

  • why and how cities such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki became nuclear targets
  • the debate in Washington over unconditional surrender
  • alternatives to using the bomb
  • debates between Japanese diplomats over surrender, as gleaned from intercepted secret cable traffic
  • the first atomic test on July 17, 1945
  • petitions by scientists questioning the military use of atomic weapons the directive that authorized the atomic bombing of Japan
  • reports from the bombing missions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • the conferences where Emperor Hirohito settled cabinet disagreements over whether to accept unconditional surrender
  • official damage reports on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the early encounter
  • with radiation poisoning
  • photographs of atomic bombing preparations at Tinian Island and the destruction caused by the bombings

The editor of this briefing book, Archive senior analyst Dr. William Burr commented that "To the greatest extent possible, I have selected key documents on the central military and diplomatic issues used by scholars on all sides of the historical controversy so that readers can see for themselves the primary sources that continue to influence contradictory arguments on the first use of nuclear weapons."

Hiroshima Peace Declaration Aug. 6, 2005
Tadatoshi Akiba
The City of Hiroshima
This August 6, the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing, is a moment of shared lamentation in which more than 300 thousand souls of A-bomb victims and those who remain behind transcend the boundary between life and death to remember that day. It is also a time of inheritance, of awakening, and of commitment, in which we inherit the commitment of the hibakusha to the abolition of nuclear weapons and realization of genuine world peace, awaken to our individual responsibilities, and recommit ourselves to take action. This new commitment, building on the desires of all war victims and the millions around the world who are sharing this moment, is creating a harmony that is enveloping our planet.
The keynote of this harmony is the hibakusha warning, "No one else should ever suffer as we did," along with the cornerstone of all religions and bodies of law, "Thou shalt not kill." Our sacred obligation to future generations is to establish this axiom, especially its corollary, "Thou shalt not kill children," as the highest priority for the human race across all nations and religions. The International Court of Justice advisory opinion issued nine years ago was a vital step toward fulfilling this obligation, and the Japanese Constitution, which embodies this axiom forever as the sovereign will of a nation, should be a guiding light for the world in the 21st century.
Unfortunately, the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty this past May left no doubt that the U.S., Russia, U.K., France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and a few other nations wishing to become nuclear-weapon states are ignoring the majority voices of the people and governments of the world, thereby jeopardizing human survival.
Based on the dogma "Might is right," these countries have formed their own "nuclear club," the admission requirement being possession of nuclear weapons. Through the media, they have long repeated the incantation, "Nuclear weapons protect you." With no means of rebuttal, many people worldwide have succumbed to the feeling that "There is nothing we can do." Within the United Nations, nuclear club members use their veto power to override the global majority and pursue their selfish objectives.
To break out of this situation, Mayors for Peace, with more than 1,080 member cities, is currently holding its sixth General Conference in Hiroshima, where we are revising the Emergency Campaign to Ban Nuclear Weapons launched two years ago. The primary objective is to produce an action plan that will further expand the circle of cooperation formed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the European Parliament, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and other international NGOs, organizations and individuals worldwide, and will encourage all world citizens to awaken to their own responsibilities with a sense of urgency, "as if the entire world rests on their shoulders alone," and work with new commitment to abolish nuclear weapons.
To these ends and to ensure that the will of the majority is reflected at the UN, we propose that the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, which will meet in October, establish a special committee to deliberate and plan for the achievement and maintenance of a nuclear-weapon-free world. Such a committee is needed because the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and the NPT Review Conference in New York have failed due to a "consensus rule" that gives a veto to every country.
We expect that the General Assembly will then act on the recommendations from this special committee, adopting by the year 2010 specific steps leading toward the elimination of nuclear weapons by 2020.
Meanwhile, we hereby declare the 369 days from today until August 9, 2006, a "Year of Inheritance, Awakening and Commitment." During this Year, the Mayors for Peace, working with nations, NGOs and the vast majority of the world's people, will launch a great diversity of campaigns for nuclear weapons abolition in numerous cities throughout the world.
We expect the Japanese government to respect the voice of the world's cities and work energetically in the First Committee and the General Assembly to ensure that the abolition of nuclear weapons is achieved by the will of the majority. Furthermore, we request that the Japanese government provide the warm, humanitarian support appropriate to the needs of all the aging hibakusha, including those living abroad and those exposed in areas affected by the black rain.
On this, the sixtieth anniversary of the atomic bombing, we seek to comfort the souls of all its victims by declaring that we humbly reaffirm our responsibility never to "repeat the evil."
"Please rest peacefully; for we will not repeat the evil."
Hiroshimadag 6. august 2005 Christianshavns Gymnasium
I anledning af 60 årsdagen for bombningen af Hiroshima og Nagasaki arrangerer Den Danske Pugwashgruppe ( et mindearrangement den 6. august 2005. Dette sker i samarbejde med Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the Embassy of Japan in Denmark, International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (, Det danske Fredsråd, Det danske Fredsakademi (, Danske Læger Mod Kernevåben (, AIF- København/Frederiksberg, the Danish Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Kunstnere for Fred og Esbjerg Fredsbevægelse.
Program på dansk , programme in English.

“Piecing together evidence from an array of sources, the Natural Resources Defense Council has determined that the United States is still deploying 4801 nuclear weapons in Europe. That should come as a surprise. Until now, most observers believed that there were no more than half of those weapons still left on the continent. Declassified documents obtained under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, military literature, the media, non-governmental organizations, and other sources show that the 480 bombs are stored at eight air bases in six NATO countries – a formidable arsenal larger than the entire Chinese nuclear stockpile”.


Kristensen, Hans M. : U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe : A Review of Post-Cold War Policy, Force Levels, and War Planning.
- Washington, D.C. : Natural Resources Defense Council, February 2005.


Avery, John: The Need for a Culture of Peace.
Hoodbhoy, Pervez : Bin Laden And Hiroshima.
Gunnarson, Bo: Striden om Japans fortid. I: Information, 08/06/2005.
Leder: Aldrig igen. I: Information, 08/06/2005.
60 Years Since Hiroshima / John Avery, Mads Fleckner, Tom Børsen Hansen .
Nygaard, Else Marie: Da mennesket gjorde sig Gud lig
HIROSHIMA-DAG - De nationale ledere, som i dag har magten over kernevåben, sidder med nøglen til den moderne syndflod. Det stiller mennesker over for en ny etisk udfordring, siger fredsforskeren Jan Øberg, som op til 60-året for Hiroshima-dagen advarer mod, at man ser på atombombning som noget, der hører historien til. I: Kristeligt Dagblad, 5. august 2005, side 6.

Hardanger Symposium 2005 .

Foreningen STS International Solidarity
- Nairobi 6 august 2005
Ledelsen af en af vore somaliske medlemsorganisationer, Peace Campaign Group, som vi mener er den største og mest effektive fredsorganisation i Somalia, bad os under et besøg, vi lige har aflagt i Mogadishu i sidste uge om at medvirke i en kampagne, der kan redde deres liv.
De hævdede, at en gruppe krigsherrer i regeringen havde udarbejdet en liste over folk, de ønskede at slippe af med for om muligt at eliminere de vigtigste vidner til de umådelige myrderier, de har begået imod den somaliske civilbefolkning under den lange borgerkrig og at medlemmer af PCG stod på denne liste.
Krigsherrerne i Somalia håber dermed at have undgået en del af risikoen for at blive draget til ansvar for deres handlinger sådan, som det sker i Rwanda.
En af de etiopisk støttede krigsherrer er særligt fortørnet over PCG's vellykkede mæglinger i Galgaduud-regionen. (Se eller Sretno nr. 62). Begge de kæmpende klaner var blevet udstyret med våben fra Etiopien, som har interesse i at skabe så megen ufred som muligt i Somalia for desto bedre at kunne argumentere for, at der vil være brug for etiopiske troppers "hjælp".
Nogen tid efter denne mægling blev formanden for PCG, Asad Hashi, som er den, der træder frem i offentligheden, af medlemmer af det civile samfund i Galgaduud, advaret om, at et attentat snart ville finde sted. Krigsherren Abdulaziz Sheik, der også er formand for den etiopiske støttede koalition af krigsherrer, SRRC, havde sendt lejemordere af sted for at myrde Asad. I øvrigt er Abdulaziz sundhedsminister i krigsherren Abdullahi Yusufs nye kabinet!
Der er flere fortilfælde for at sådanne trusler ikke er tomme senest for nogle uger siden mordet på Somalias mest kendte fredsaktivist. Asad Hashi måtte hurtigt forlade Somalia, men nåede inden han rejste, at fortælle somaliske medier om historien og appellerede til offentligheden om at få standset bølgen af fortsat vold og mord i Somalia.
De øvrige medlemmer af ledelsen af PRG opretholder sig "inden døre", som de udtrykte sig. Vi vil snart modtage de appeller, PCG selv har udsendt samt andet baggrundsmateriale

Harring Report another 'Deep Throat' - Official DoD Iraq War US Military over 8 Times More Dead than Reported
'DoD Deliberately Reducing The Numbers,' States Brian Harring, Domestic Intelligence Reporter
TEMPE, AZ, August 6, 2005, Dandelion Books [] . . . Actual death toll of US Military in Iraq is in excess of 8,000, "far more realistic than the government's current official number of 1,800-plus," according to 'Deep Throat' data researcher Brian Harring.
According to Brian Harring, a computer data specialist who obtained this report for, a popular Internet news website, of the 158,000 US Military shipped to Iraq, 34,000 have either deserted, were killed or seriously wounded. DoD lists currently being quietly circulated indicate almost 9,000 dead, over 23,000 seriously wounded and a large number of suicides, forced hospitalization for ongoing drug usage and sales, murder of Iraqi civilians and fellow soldiers, rapes and courts martial.
Prelude to Disaster also includes Russian daily military intelligence reports of the Iraqi War from March 17 - April 8, 2003. "These reports are certainly far more informative and accurate than the heavily edited and controlled material now appearing in the various branches of the American media," states TBR News. "We've also included Russian intelligence analysis of 'two enormous mistakes made by the U.S. command during the planning stages of this war that resulted in obvious strategic failure.'"
"President Bush personally ordered that no pictures be taken of the coffined and flag-draped dead under any circumstances," says Harring. "He claims this is to comfort the bereaved relatives, but is designed to keep the huge number of arriving bodies secret.
"Bush has never attended any kind of a memorial service for his dead soldiers," states Harring. "He never will because he is terrified some parent might curse him in front of the press, or, worse, attack him."



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