Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 4. november 2004 / Timeline November 4, 2004

Version 3.5

3. November 2004, 5. November 2004

Impeachment: Now More Than Ever!
By Francis A. Boyle
Removal of George W. Bush through the electoral process has failed. Despite exposure of systematic lying concerning Iraqi WMD and connection to al-Qaeda, George W. Bush has been returned to the US presidency by a majority of voters convinced of his moral and leadership qualities.
But the legal case for impeachment remains, and offers clarity and recourse.
In October 2002, following speeches by Vice President Cheney calling for a preventive war against Iraq, Professor Francis A. Boyle, a leading US expert in international law, set up a national campaign to impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Ashcroft. On March 11, 2003, Congressman John Conyers, ranking member of the House judiciary committee that has jurisdiction over any bill of impeachment, called for a meeting in Washington, DC to discuss introducing a draft bill of impeachment. Forty to fifty of his top legal advisors met with Boyle and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, and weighed and reviewed the case for impeachment.
The case was argued on its merits: violations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Human Rights, the UN Charter, international law, etc. There is, today, a second, revised draft bill of impeachment sitting on Capitol Hill, ready to go.
With an expanded military campaign imminent and the prospect of World War III looming on the horizon, a powerful nationwide movement to impeach George W. Bush is only a matter of time.
What are the historical, legal and policy issues which are inexorably moving the US towards such a crux?

Ungarn vil trække sine tropper ud af Irak inden udgangen af marts 2005, noterer Ritzaus Bureau. Også Holland har meddelt, at landets tropper i Irak trækkes ud samtidigt med de ungarnske.
Kilde: Two more states to quit Iraq coalition
By Stefan Wagstyl in London and Charles Clover in Baghdad, The Financial Times,stream=FTSynd,s01=2.html

Georgian Troop Deployment to Iraq
Richard Boucher, Spokesman
The United States warmly welcomes Georgia's decision to deploy additional troops to Iraq to provide security for the United Nations presence in Iraq.
This latest deployment by Georgia will increase the total number of its troops in Iraq from 159 to 850. It underscores Georgia's commitment to partnership with the people of Iraq and their friends around the world in pursuit of peace, prosperity and democracy in Iraq. The U.S. will offer additional training to help Georgia sustain this deployment following an assessment by the U.S. European Command.

Lebanese American security firm leaving Iraq
Head of Al Safar Group says all foreigners will be potential targets for guerilla warfare in violence-torn Iraq.
ROME - Iraq is becoming impossible to live in and all foreigners will be potential targets for "terrorists", the Lebanese American head of a security company said Thursday in an interview with an Italian newspaper.
"In the short term Iraq will become impossible, ungovernable," said George Haddad in remarks quoted in Italian by the newspaper Corriere della Sera, coinciding with a visit here by Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.
Haddad said he was winding up his company, Al Safar Group.
"Every foreigner will be a potential hostage and guerilla warfare will make towns impossible to live in," he predicted: "The elections will be chaos and I want to be far away from here to enjoy my earnings."



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