Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3. november 2004 / Timeline November 3, 2004

Version 3.5

2. November 2004, 4. November 2004

Fyrværkerilager og -fabrik i et boligområde i Kolding springer i luften.

Withdrawal is the only honorable way out
By Doug Bandow
WASHINGTON -- Iraq has become the central issue in America's presidential campaign, but neither candidate has a solution for a conflict that has cost more than 1,100 American lives. Unfortunately, the killing will continue until the United States and its allies withdraw their forces, leaving Iraq to the Iraqis.
America's dead "have made the ultimate sacrifice defending freedom," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. They have made the ultimate sacrifice, but, sadly, we know that the war was a mistake.
Rather than admit error when its claims that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction proved false, the administration seamlessly switched rationales. The war, officials said, actually was about spreading democracy.
Hussein's removal was welcome, but sacrificing allied lives to promote democracy was always a dubious justification. After more than a year of occupation the U.S. continues to lose ground.



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