Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 8. maj 2004 / Time Line May 8, 2004

Version 3.0

7. Maj 2004, 9. Maj 2004

Iraqi deserters in Canada
by Kurt Singer
Deserting from the US Armed Forces produce automatically the death sentences through lethal injection. 90.000 deserters found refuge in Canada during the Vietnam war. The new breed of war resisters and deserters are far fewer and no official numbers have been released by the Pentagon. These refugees are hesitating to give their names to protect themselves and their families. However there are two courageous deserters who have opened a website and give information to others.
Jeremy Hinzman had joined the army in the hope to earn money to go to college and enlisted on January 17, 2001 and had married shortly before.Hinzman was interested in Zen and Eastern culture.He and his wife Nga Ngyuen started to visit Quaker meetings and were impressed by their philosphy of non violence . Jeremy felt suddenly uncomfortable in his army unit where he was training to kill an enemy. He decided to apply for a conscentious objector status.Then his unit was shipped to Afghanistan where he worked in the kitchen.In April 2003 his commanding officer pulled him out of the kitchen and informed Jeremy that his hearing was to take place.That happened in Kandahar and Hinzman was not allowed to have a defense attorney or witnesses. The hearing lasted 20 minutes and his conscientious objector application was denied.Hinzman's unit returned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina in April 2003 but in December he received his orders to go to Iraq. It was then in January 2004 that Hinzman and his wife and his 21 month old son Liam went to Toronto. They told the Canadian border control that they wanted to attend an ice hockey game. Canadian Quakers took them in and they live now in an apartment of their own. Jeremy became active in the peace movement.
Brandon Hughey is a teenager from Angelo, Texas. He, too, had joined the armed forces in the hope to obtain a college education. At 17 he had joined the National Guard and entered at 18 his boot camp. Again Quaker meetings convinced Bradon that war was evil and through the Internet he found a peace activist who helped him after a 47 hour drive to cross the border into Canada where he had told the border guards that he wanted to attend a basketball game. Again the Quakers helped to establish Brandon in his new refugee life. One of the Quaker members revealed that there were 317 applications for refugee status pending before the Immigration authorities.
Not all may be anti war refugees but also marijuana smokers and drug dealers.
Another group of deserters from the Iraq war are contractors hired by the US Armed Forces. Several hundreds are employed, some even in the prison areas. According to Bechtel, IRT and Haliburton subsidiaries over one third of their employees quit their jobs and returned to the USA, They felt endangered and insecure in their positions in Iraq. Is this only the tip of the iceberg?

USAs forsvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld påtager sig ansvaret for tortursagen, skriver Information.



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