Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 22. maj 2004 / Time Line May 22, 2004

Version 3.0

21. Maj 2004, 23. Maj 2004

An Oildriven Immoral War
by Kurt Singer
These were the words of the 26 year old Florida National Guard soldier who had served over 8 years in the armed forces. 6 month in Iraq. Staff Sgt.Camilio Mejia went home to Miami on a furlough, bitter and disappointed about this abominable war. He had led an infantry squad and experienced plenty of actions. In an interview with the New York Times he told the columnist Bob Herbert that he had seen "the slaughter of Iraqi civilians."
Mejia had personally seen the mistreatments of prisoners, the killing of children, the cruel deaths of American soldiers. He accused glory hunting officers putting American units in needlessly dangerous positions.
"Imagine being in the infantry in Ramadi like we were and you get shot at it every day and you get mortared where you lived with rocket propelled grenades and people were dying and getting wounded and maimed every day. A lot of horrible things became acceptable.'"Sgt. Mejia told more and more of the war horrors were childre childer and women were killed as if Iraqis were not human beings. The staff sergeant deserted. But when his unite returned home he returned and asked to be treated as a conscientious objector and be discharged. This request was denied and he faced a military court. The jury of seven men and one woman. Most of them had served in Iraq. They sentenced Staff Sergeant Mejia to one year of hard labor, losing his rank and he received a dishonorable discharge. Mejia was not allowed to present witnesses or references to the legality of this war. All wars create atrocities, conscientous objectors and soldiers whose conscience turns them against the wars. Mejia was not an American citizen. He held dual ctzenship of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.



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