Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 2. maj 2004 / Time Line May 2, 2004

Version 3.0

1. Maj 2004, 3. Maj 2004

There are shocking new details of torture by US troops
by Peter Beaumont, Kamal Ahmed and Chris Stephens
© 2004 The Observer (London)
A new report tells how Iraqi prisoners were threatened with rape. Six British soldiers may be arrested over abuse claims.
Chilling new evidence of the torture and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers emerged last night in a secret report accusing the US army leadership of failings at the highest levels.
Detainees were subjected to 'sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses', according to a military investigation suggesting that last week's photographs of US soldiers humiliating their naked captives may only have been the tip of the iceberg.
It comes amid reports that six British soldiers may shortly be arrested over claims that they too mistreated detainees. Soldiers from the Queen's Lancashire Regiment are understood to have been questioned in Cyprus after the publication yesterday of shocking photographs purporting to show a prisoner being beaten, kicked and urinated on while in the regiment's custody.
Legal experts warned last night that British soldiers could face war crimes trials if the allegations are proven, or if they are not exhaustively investigated.
The revelations can only increase already widespread anger at coalition forces' handling of the volatile situation in Iraq, where yesterday a foreign security guard was killed and three others wounded by a roadside bomb in the northern city of Mosul.
Annals of National Security : Torture at Abu Ghraib : American Soldiers Brutalized Iraqis. How Far Up Does the Responsibility Go?
by Seymour M. Hersh
© 2004 The New Yorker
In the era of Saddam Hussein, Abu Ghraib, twenty miles west of Baghdad, was one of the world's most notorious prisons, with torture, weekly executions, and vile living conditions. As many as fifty thousand men and women -- no accurate count is possible -- were jammed into Abu Ghraib at one time, in twelve-by-twelve-foot cells that were little more than human holding pits.
In the looting that followed the regime's collapse, last April, the huge prison complex, by then deserted, was stripped of everything that could be removed, including doors, windows, and bricks. The coalition authorities had the floors tiled, cells cleaned and repaired, and toilets, showers, and a new medical center added. Abu Ghraib was now a U.S. military prison. Most of the prisoners, however -- by the fall there were several thousand, including women and teen-agers -- were civilians, many of whom had been picked up in random military sweeps and at highway checkpoints. They fell into three loosely defined categories: common criminals; security detainees suspected of "crimes against the coalition"; and a small number of suspected "high-value" leaders of the insurgency against the coalition forces.
Last June, Janis Karpinski, an Army reserve brigadier general, was named commander of the 800th Military Police Brigade, and put in charge of military prisons in Iraq. General Karpinski, the only female commander in the war zone, was an experienced operations and intelligence officer who had served with the Special Forces and in the 1991 Gulf War, but she had never run a prison system. Now she was in charge of three large jails, eight battalions, and thirty-four hundred Army reservists, most of whom, like her, had no training in handling prisoners.
General Karpinski, who had wanted to be a soldier since she was five, is a business consultant in civilian life, and was enthusiastic about her new job. In an interview last December with the St. Petersburg Times, she said that, for many of the Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghraib, "living conditions now are better in prison than at home. At one point we were concerned that they wouldn't want to leave."
A month later, General Karpinski was formally admonished and quietly suspended, and a major investigation into the Army's prison system, authorized by Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez, the senior commander in Iraq, was under way. A fifty-three-page report, obtained by The New Yorker, written by Major General Antonio M. Taguba and not meant for public release, was completed in late February. Its conclusions about the institutional failures of the Army prison system were devastating. Specifically, Taguba found that between October and December of 2003 there were numerous instances of "sadistic, blatant, and wanton criminal abuses" at Abu Ghraib. This systematic and illegal abuse of detainees, Taguba reported, was perpetrated by soldiers of the 372nd Military Police Company, and also by members of the American intelligence community. (The 372nd was attached to the 320th M.P. Battalion, which reported to Karpinski's brigade headquarters.)
Den britiske hær har indledt en undersøgelse af otte soldater efter chokerende billeder af tortor mod en irakisk fange, skriver Berlingske Tidende.
Leder: Organiseret ondskab. I: Information, 05/03/2004.
Juul Jensen: USAs medier er forsigtige. I: Information, 05/03/2004.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Fangetortur kan vælte USAs spil i Irak. I: Information, 05/03/2004.
Rasmussen, Annegrethe: Bileder chokerer briterne. I: Information, 05/03/2004.



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