Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. maj 2004 / Time Line May 1, 2004

Version 3.0

April 2004, 2. Maj 2004

Det er nu tolv måneder siden, at USAs præsident Bush erklærede krigen i Irak for vundet.

Books Not Bombs
The University of California in Santa Barbara where I live had an exciting confrontation with the Army, Airforce and Coast Guard recruiting officers. They wanted to recruit students promising an officers training. Students for Peace demonstrated and convinced the UNI administration to order the recruiters to leave the campus. One of the posters of the protesters said BOOKS NOT BOMBS.
The Chief Planer of the war in Iraq the neo conservative Vice President Dick Cheney never fought in the Vietnam war since he was able to obtain four deferments for his draft call.
Peter Carbone a columnist mentioned there are Neo Nazis in Germany und now Neo Conservatives in the Bush Troica.
The 130 pictures of the flag draped wooden boxes with the dead soldiers were released to the media without the Pentagon or White House permission.A bureaucratic mistake under the Freedom of Information Act. The military burial ceremonies were not seen in the press or on TV.
A growing number of US soldiers crossed the Canadian borders in civilian clothing. They are allowed to stay and have work permits. Several polls state that 60 % of voters believe it was a mistake to start a war against Iraq and the USA cannot win this high priced war, writes Kurt Singer.

Præsident Bush har skabt en overhængende ririko for, at den irakiske konflikt smelter sammen med den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt og skaber én stor uoverskuelig mellemøstlig konflikt, udtaler norges tidligere stats- og udenrigsminister Thorbjørn Jagland til Information.

EU udvides med ti østeuropæiske lande.



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