Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 19. maj 2004 / Time Line May 19, 2004

Version 3.0

18. Maj 2004, 20. Maj 2004

Continuing its drive to develop new, more usable nuclear weapons, the Bush Administration has requested increased funding for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) and the Advanced Concepts Initiative for new nuclear weapons. Last year, Congress cut half of the requested funds for the RNEP. This year--with your help--all funds for both the RNEP and the Advanced Concepts Initiative can be eliminated. Congress should not allow the Administration to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons.
ACTION: The House will vote later this evening (Wednesday, May 19) or early tomorrow to cut funds for new nuclear weapons. Contact your representative and ask him/her to vote for the Tauscher-Markey amendment to cut funding for the nuclear "bunker buster" in the defense authorization bill (H.R. 4200).
A similar amendment will be offered by Sens. Kennedy and Feinstein today or tomorrow in the Senate’s version of the defense authorization bill (S. 2400). Contact your members of Congress and tell them to support these amendments.
These votes are likely to be very close. Please forward this action alert to five or more of your friends. Every fax and phone call is important.
FAXING YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IS EASY: Start with the sample letter posted in our Legislative Action Center, personalize the language, then fax your message directly from our site. To view the sample letter, click on the link below, then enter your zip code and click "Go" in the "Take Action Now" box.
Here is the link:
BACKGROUND: Since the end of the Cold War, some civilian military planners and nuclear scientists have promoted the creation of a new class of earth-penetrating nuclear weapons. These weapons are sometimes referred to as "bunker-busters" because they would be designed to burrow into the ground to destroy underground military facilities that are protected by 100 to 300 feet of reinforced concrete or rock. The Energy Department’s budget includes $27.6 million for the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP). The RNEP would use an existing nuclear weapon, redesigned for use against underground bunkers. It would have explosive power up to 70 times that of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
RNEP proponents claim that, because the weapon penetrates the earth before detonating, it would be a "clean" nuclear weapon. In reality, this would be an extremely deadly weapon. If detonated in an urban setting, tens of thousands of people could receive a fatal dose of radiation within the first 24 hours. More would be killed or injured by the extreme pressures of the blast and thermal injuries arising from the heat of the explosion. Still more casualties would result from the resulting fires and the collapse of buildings from the seismic shock that the explosion would produce. According to Sen. Jack Reed (RI), Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrators, "are really city breakers, not bunker busters."
The Bush Administration has repeatedly claimed that the RNEP program is a study and nothing more. However, the Administration’s intentions regarding RNEP go well beyond their initial claims. Energy Department budget documents show funding demands for RNEP increasing dramatically after this year, despite congressional restrictions on further development of this program. The initial three-year study was to cost $45 million, but the Administration’s proposed spending in the next five years would total nearly $500 million and move RNEP into early development and engineering stages.
The Bush Administration is leading the world down the wrong path. Instead of adhering to our obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) by reducing reliance on the most horrific weapons ever created and working for global disarmament, the Administration is seeking new uses for nuclear weapons. Adopting such a nuclear posture is a step backward and a virtual invitation for other nations to opt out of their NPT obligations as well.
David Culp, Legislative Representative
Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers)
245 Second Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002-5795
Tel.: (202) 547-6000, ext. 146
Toll-free: (800) 630-1330, ext. 146
Fax: (202) 547-6019

Udenrigsministeriet refererer Folketingets 2. behandling af forslag om Danmarks ratifikation af Tillægsprotokollen til FN's Torturkonvention.



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