Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. April 2004 / Time Line April 25, 2004

Version 3.0

24. April 2004, 26. April 2004

Anarchy in our souls
I just spoke to Molly Malekar on her way to Sha'arei Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem, and here is what she reported:
"We were about 60 women, only women: roughly 1/3 Israeli, 1/3 Palestinian, and 1/3 internationals. We gathered at Bidu to protest the construction of the wall in this village. It was a quiet march, with women carrying signs and walking toward the area where soldiers were guarding the construction of the fence. At a distance of about 10 meters (30 feet) from them, we stopped walking because the soldiers turned to point their rifles directly at us. I called out to them in Hebrew, "Don't shoot, we're not armed, this is a nonviolent demonstration." Suddenly there was an onslaught of teargas and stun grenades, falling all around us, completely out of proportion to the quiet, nonprovocative nature of our action. The grenades fell right there at our feet and we were choking, unable to breathe. Most dispersed and ran back. Soldiers charged toward us and fell upon the women, grabbing some whom they arrested. By then, there was no demonstration at all, nothing to disperse. Most of the women had run back, trying to recover from the tear gas, but I remained as I wanted to talk to the soldiers to prevent the arrest of the four women. Suddenly out of nowhere four horses charged, with border police mounted on them. I started to run away, but one of them ridden by a girl soldier caught up with me and she struck me on my head with a baton. I fell, and then a second horse charged toward me and I felt more blows on my head and back. There was no provocation whatsoever at any point while this was happening."
Molly is the director of Bat Shalom, which is the women's peace organization that forms the Israeli side of The Jerusalem Link: A Women's Joint Venture for Peace (the Palestinian side is called the Jerusalem Center for Women). Molly is the most wonderfully serious and thoughtful woman you would ever want to have at the head of your organization. Anyone who has ever met Molly knows that she has never engaged in provocation, but has only been cautious and respectful. I asked her by cell phone, on her way to the hospital, how she feels and she said, "A horrible headache, my ears hurt, and aching from the blows. But let's think about how to wake people up to what is happening out there. We have to wake people up."
Wake up, world! Hear O Israel, wake up!! Israeli soldiers have made brutality a way of life against Palestinians, then they turned their weapons and death upon international peace activists, and now they are brutalizing Israelis who express disapproval of their ways. Who will be the first one killed?
Writes US woman activist Starhawk, who participated in some of these, "The Israelis who are involved in the day to day resistance ... said to me that they know it is only a matter of time before there is an Israeli 'shaheed '- a martyr of the occupation. Being Israeli is no longer a protection against the violence of the military."
What's worse: Nonviolence is no longer protection against the brutality of the military, regardless of whether you are Israeli or Palestinian or international. No one should be assaulted for peacefully demonstrating, and yet that has become the norm. Today, any single demonstration that takes place in the territories -- whether by Palestinians or Israelis, women or men, nonviolent or violent -- is treated to the same brutal behavior of guns, stun grenades, and clubs. And no one investigates the incidents in a serious, unbiased manner, and the soldiers learn that they can be more and more cruel, and no one gives a damn.
What has happened? The occupation has happened. The occupation has corrupted the soul of Israel. A situation of "Ein din v'ein dayan", as the Bible says: "No law and no one standing in judgment".
There is anarchy in the soul of Israel today, and it won't be gone until we uproot the occupation from our land and from our hearts writes Gila Svirsky from Jerusalem.
Israel/Palæstina – USA’s nye holdning er et eklatant brud på FN-principper
FN-forbundet finder USA’s støtte til Israels politik blandt andet om fastholdelse af israelske bosættelser på Vestbredden, som den kom til udtryk på pressemøde med George W. Bush og Ariel Sharon den 14. april 2004, uacceptabel og undergravende for det internationale arbejde for fred og sikkerhed.
Det har i årtier været klare præmisser ved konfliktløsning, at besatte områder skal forlades, at bosættelse på fremmed territorium skal bringes til ophør, og at fordrevne og flygtninge har ret til at vende hjem. På dette grundlag har parterne eller mæglere kunnet fremlægge løsningsforslag til konkret forhandling.
Med USA’s nye holdning til disse spørgsmål skabes en farlig præcedens for, at det kan betale sig for en konflikts stærke part at ignorere disse præmisser, samt at en svagere part ikke kan påkalde sig disse præmisser som grundlag for en løsning. FN-forbundet ser derfor USA’s nye holdning som et eklatant brud på princippet om, at alle lande, folk og mennesker er lige for loven.
Der har i årevis været bred international enighed - også i FN’s sikkerhedsråd – om, at en to-stats-løsning med en palæstinensisk stat på de besatte områder – side om side med Israel – kunne bibringe en fredsløsning, som parterne burde kunne leve med. Med den amerikanske melding om, at Israel kan beholde store dele af den besatte Vestbred (inkl. Østjerusalem), synes muligheden for en levedygtig palæstinensisk stat at være forsvundet. Der har længe hersket uklarhed om fremtiden for de palæstinensiske flygtninge. FN’s generalforsamling har - med næsten alle stemmer for - hvert år siden 1948 bekræftet flygtninges ret til hjemvenden på linie med andre flygtninge i verden. Omvendt har det bredt været vurderingen, at ikke alle kunne få mulighed for at vende hjem til Israel. Efter FN-forbundets mening bør der kunne ske en hjemvenden i et omfang, der dels stadfæster, at fordrivelse er uacceptabelt, dels giver de palæstinensiske flygtninge den moralske rehabilitering, der muliggør en forsoning.
FN-forbundet tager på det skarpeste afstand fra USA’s nye politik i Israel/Palæstina spørgsmålet, da det er i strid med FN’s principper og efter FN-forbundets vurdering klart forringer mulighederne for en varig fred i Mellemøsten.
FN-forbundet opfordrer samtidig EU til via de muligheder der ligger i aftalerne med Israel at påvirke Israel økonomisk til at ændre holdningerne til præmisserne for en fredelig løsning af konflikten. Desuden opfordrer FN-forbundet de danske forbrugere til at understøtte en sådan politik ved at fravælge israelske varer i butikkerne.

Amerikansk subkritisk atomvåbenforsøg i Nevada.



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