Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. Mars
2003 / Time Line March 17, 2003
Version 3.5
16. Mars 2003, 18. Mars 2003
Det nyoprettede Danmarks Fredsråd, Styregruppen, har
på sit møde den 16. marts 2003 besluttet at kontakte
en folkeretsekspert for at forberede et sagsanlæg mod den
danske regering. Dette sker, såfremt regeringen beslutter sig
for at deltage i et eventuelt USA-ledet angreb på Irak udenom
FN's sikkerhedsråd.
Danmarks Fredsråd vil betragte et sådant angreb
som et brud på folkeretten.
Ifølge FN-pagten kan et angreb kun tillades efter pagtens
artikel 42, hvis det er nødvendigt for at opretholde eller
genskabe international fred og sikkerhed eller efter artikel 51,
der tillader selvforsvar.
Efter Fredsrådets mening er alle fredelige midler for en
løsning af konflikten ikke opbrugt.
Statement read on March 17, 2003 at the local US
Army/Marine recruiting center
The St. Patrick's Four
"Our apologies, dear friends, for the fracture of good order." As
our nation prepares to escalate the war on the people of Iraq by
sending hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers to invade, we pour
our blood on the walls of this military recruiting center. We mark
this recruiting office with our own blood to remind ourselves and
others of the cost in human life of our government's war
Killing is wrong. Preparations for killing are wrong. The work done
by the Pentagon with the connivance of this military recruiting
station ends with the shedding of blood, and God tells us to turn
away from it. Blood is the symbol of life. All life is holy. All
people are created in the image and likeness of God. All people are
family, and everyone is loved by God.
"Dr. Martin Luther King reminds us that"...we are called to speak
for the weak, for the voiceless, for the victims of our nation, for
those it calls "enemy," for no document from human hands can make
these humans any less our brothers [and sisters]."
We come here today with pictures of Iraqi people -- mothers,
children, those who have been the victims of U.S. bombardment and
sanctions for the past twelve years. We also come here with love in
our hearts for the U.S. service people, also victims of war
We find hope in these dark times when sisters and brothers around
the world resist the spirit of hatred and violence, lift up prayers
for peace -- together with works for peace.
Udenrigsministeriets nye notat om 'det
juridiske grundlag for iværksættelse af militære
forholdsregler mod Irak'.
FBI frygter, at en krig
mod Irak vil udløse gengældelsesangreb på muslimer, skriver
Kristeligt Dagblad.
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