Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. Oktober 1986 / Time Line October 15, 1986

Version 3.5

14. Oktober 1986, 16. Oktober 1986

Inger Bjørn Andersen besøger den amerikanske delegation ved verdensfredskongressen i København 1986.
Inger Bjørn Andersen besøger den amerikanske delegation ved verdensfredskongressen i København 1986.
Inger Bjørn Andersen besøger den amerikanske delegation ved verdensfredskongressen.
Delegerede fra verdensfredskongressen under fredsdemonstrationen ved Rådhuspladsen i København 1986.
Delegerede fra verdensfredskongressen under fredsdemonstrationen ved Rådhuspladsen.
Fredsdemonstrationen ankommer til Rådhuspladsen i København 1986.
Fredsdemonstrationen ankommer til Rådhuspladsen.

Verdensfredskongres i København
Fire dages verdensfredskongres starter i København. De to største vesteuropæiske fredsbevægelser, hollandske IKV og CND melder direkte afbud til kongressen med henvisning til, at de alternative organisationer i Østeuropa ikke er med skriver Socialistisk Weekend 10/24/1986.

World Peace Congress in Copenhagen
Four days of world peace conference begins in Copenhagen starts. The two largest West European peace movements, Dutch IKV and CND report directly cancellation to the Congress on the grounds that the alternative organizations in Eastern Europe do not participate, writes Socialist Weekend 10/24/1986 in Danish.
To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have had any discussions with the Government of Denmark concerning the forthcoming conference of the World Peace Council in Copenhagen.
678 § The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Young) My Lords, our view of the World Peace Council as a disguised instrument of Soviet foreign policy is well known to our NATO allies, including Denmark. It is for the Danish Government to decide their own policy towards the council's forthcoming congress in Copenhagen. We have not, therefore, held specific bilateral discussions on this subject....
§ Viscount Craigavon My Lords, can the noble Baroness confirm that in the letter from the Danish Foreign Minister in The Times last Friday he was saying that it appears so many problems and difficulties have occurred to the organisers in the promotion of this meeting that it is becoming counterproductive, and that the true face and origin of the World Peace Council is becoming much more apparent to the Danish people than if the Danish Government had tried to suppress the conference from the beginning?



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