Bertrand Russell

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament ; CND

Engelsk: Kampagnen for Atomar Nedrustning eller Kampagnen mod Atomvåben.
Engelsk pacifistisk fredsgruppe oprettet 1958 med Canon Collins og senere med filosoffen Bertrand Russell som leder. Blandt de stiftende medlemmer af CND er ud over Russell, Richard Acland, Vera Brittain, Fenner Brockway, George Clark, Canon John Collins, Michael Foot, Victor Gollancz, Kingsley Martin, Per Nielsen ; J. B. Priestley, Sydney Silverman, A. J. P. Taylor og historikeren Edward P. Thompson. Første demonstration mod atomvåben fra London til Aldermaston, 1958. CND støttede kvindefredslejren ved Greenham Common. Blandt CNDs medlemmer kan nævnes Joan Abse, Pat Arrowsmith, John Brunner, Peggy Duff, Bruce Kent. Ungdomsafdeling. the Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (YCND). CND udgiver tidsskrifterne “Campaign” og “Sanity”.
Prostester mod det amerikanske stjernekrigsprojekt.
Arkiv: Modern Records Centre, University of Warwick.
Se også: Abolition 2000 ; The Aldermaston March Committee ; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, New Zealand ; the Colleges and Universities Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CUCAND) ; the British Peace Committee ; Christian CND ; the Committee of 100 ; Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC) ; the Direct Action Committee of the CND ; Friends of Edward Thompson ; Kampagnen mod Atomvåben ; the Labour H-Bomb Campaign ; the UK National Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons Testing ; the National Council for Civil Liberties ; the UK National Peace Council ; Non-Violent Direct Action ; Polariswatchers ; Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.


Records of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1941 - 1972 (bulk dates 1958-1963).
Special Collections, University of Delaware Library, Manuscript
Campbell, Duncan: Secret Society I, BBC 1987.
[In this freedom of information tour de force Campbell exposes the secret decision to buy U.S. Trident nuclear submarines as well as laying bare the cabinet level dirty tricks campaign against CND and its general secretary Bruce Kent. Margaret Thatcher, James Callaghan, the British Atlantic Committee, The ultra-right Coalition for Peace Through Security and the cabinet secretary come in for sharp criticism for keeping key decisions secret from MP's. ]
Collection Number: 263.
Barker, Kent: Government funds anti-CND campaign. I: New Statesman, 1982:2663 s. 2.
Campbell, Duncan: Is the US funding secret anti-CDN pool? I: New Stateman, 1983:2736 s. 5.
Hassan, Amanda: A Black Woman in the Peace Movement. I: Spare Rib, 1984:142 s. 6-8.
Lyndorff, Kurt: Nedrustmngsbevægelserne har voksende slagkraft. I: Information, 10/24/1981.
Schaffer, Gordon: Engelsk mobilisering for freden. I: Land og Folk, 01/03/1960.

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