Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 7. April 1982 / Time Line April 7, 1982

Version 3.0

6. April 1982, 8. April 1982

Terrorisme ; Israel
Den svenske historiker Sune Persson beviser i sin disputats, at den nuværende israelske udenrigsminister Itzak Shamir sammen med andre ledere fra den jødiske terrororganisation Stern-Ligaen: Israel Scheib og Natan Friedman var ansvarlig for mordet på Folke Bernadotte i 1948.
Motivet skulle være, at Bernadotte, der havde reddet tusindvis af jøder ud fra nazisternes koncentrationslejre under Anden Verdenskrig, i FN argumenterede for oprettelsen af en palæstinensisk stat.

Terrorism, Israel
The Swedish historian Sune Persson proves in his thesis that the current Israeli Foreign Minister Itzak Shamir along with other leaders from the Jewish terrorist organization Stern-League: Israel Scheib and Nathan Friedman was responsible for the assassination of Folke Bernadotte in 1948. The motif would be that Bernadotte, who had saved thousands of Jews from Nazi concentration camps during World War II, in the UN argued for the creation of a Palestinian state.



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