Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. september 1948 / Timeline September 17, 1948

Version 3.5

16. September 1948, 18. September 1948

Terrorisme ; Israel
Den svenske diplomat Folke Bernadotte som er FN-mægler i Palæstina, myrdes.
Litteratur: Bernadotte, Folke: I Stedet for Vaaben. Gyldendal, 1948. - 221 s.

Terrorism ; Israel
The Swedish diplomat Folke Bernadotte which is UN mediator in Palestine, is assassinated
Source: UN Department of Public Information, General Lundstrom Gives Eyewitness Account of Bernadotte's Death. 18 September 1948.
Press Release, PAL/298.
...'In the Katamon quarter, we were held up by a Jewish Army type jeep placed in a road block and filled with men in Jewish Army uniforms. At the same moment, I saw an armed man coming from this jeep. I took little notice of this because I merely thought it was another checkpoint. However, he put a Tommy gun through the open window on my side of the car, and fired point blank at Count Bernadotte and Colonel Serot. I also heard shots fired from other points, and there was considerable confusion. The Jewish liaison officer came running to our car and told Mr. Begley, who was at that time outside the car, to drive away as quickly as possible. In the meantime, the man was still firing....'



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