Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 22. september 1979 / Timeline September 22, 1979

Version 3.5

21. September 1979, 23. September 1979

Sydafrika - atomvåbenforsøg
Sydafrikas apartheidstyre springer en atombombe i den sydlige del af Det indiske Ocean.
Eksplosionsglimtet opfanget af en amerikansk satellit.
Kilde: Adams, James: The Unnatural Alliance : Israel and South Africa.
- ISBN 0-7043-2373-7 s. 187.

South Africa - nuclear weapons
The South Africa's apartheid regime test fires a nuclear bomb in the southern part of the Indian Ocean.
The explosion brightness is captured by an American satellite.
Source: Proliferation Watch: U.S. Intelligence Assessments of Potential Nuclear Powers, 1977-2001
First Publication of Recently Declassified Satellite Photographs of South African Nuclear Test Site--1977
New Release of CIA Report on September 1979 South Atlantic Mystery Flash Joins Annals of Dubious Secrets by Exempting Pages of Previously Released Information
Energy Department and Defense Intelligence Agency Reports Illuminate Pre-War Controversy over Iraqi Procurement of Aluminum Tubes for Alleged Gas Centrifuge Program
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 451
Washington, DC, December 16, 2013 -- The Soviet Union assisted the United States in its effort to curb South Africa's nuclear program in August 1977 when Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev sent President Jimmy Carter a message that Moscow's spy satellites had noticed signs of nuclear weapons test preparations at a site in the Kalahari Desert.

Afrique du Sud - armes nucléaires
Test de l'Afrique du Sud de l'apartheid régime tire une bombe nucléaire dans la partie sud de l'océan Indien.
La luminosité explosion est capturé par un satellite américain.

Sudáfrica - las armas nucleares
La prueba Sudáfrica del apartheid régimen dispara una bomba nuclear en el sur del Océano Índico.
El brillo de la explosión es captada por un satélite estadounidense

Südafrika - Atomwaffen
Die südafrikanische Apartheid-Regime Test feuert eine Atombombe im südlichen Teil des Indischen Ozeans.
Die Explosion Helligkeit wird von einem amerikanischen Satelliten erfasst.



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