Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. november 1971 / Timeline November 6, 1971

Version 3.5

5. November 1971, 7. November 1971

Sidste refererede hovedbestyrelsesmøde i Fredspolitisk Folkeparti.

Underjordisk  amerikansk  atomvåbenforsøg i Alaska.
/ Underground U.S. nuclear weapons tests in Alaska.
'The Cannikin nuclear test conducted on November 6, 1971 cost over $200 million and was the largest underground nuclear explosion in U.S. history. The 730 underground nuclear tests conducted by the U.S. produced a total yield of 37 megatons,18 and Cannikin's 5 megaton yield alone represents 14 percent of the total. The purpose of the Cannikin Project was to test the Spartan anti-ballistic missile (ABM) warhead.'
/ Souterrains américains essais d'armes nucléaires dans le Alaska
/ Subterráneo de Estados Unidos las pruebas de armas nucleares en Alaska.
/ Unterirdisch US Atomwaffentests in Alaska.



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