Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. Juli 1970 / Time Line July 14, 1970

Version 3.0

13. Juli 1970, 15. Juli 1970

Undergravende virksomhed
Præsident Nixon godkender en plan om udvidet efterretningsvirksomhed i USA, Huston-planen.

President Nixon approves a plan for expanded intelligence activities in the United States, the Huston Plan.
Literature: History Commons Context of 'July 14, 1970: Nixon Approves ‘Huston Plan’ for Domestic Surveillance'.
'President Nixon approves the “Huston Plan” for greatly expanding domestic intelligence-gathering by the FBI, CIA and other agencies. Four days later he rescinds his approval. [Washington Post, 2008] Nixon aide Tom Charles Huston comes up with the plan, which involves authorizing the CIA, FBI, NSA, and military intelligence agencies to escalate their electronic surveillance of “domestic security threats” in the face of supposed threats from Communist-led youth agitators and antiwar groups (see June 5, 1970). The plan would also authorize the surreptitious reading of private mail, lift restrictions against surreptitious entries or break-ins to gather information, plant informants on college campuses, and create a new, White House-based “Interagency Group on Domestic Intelligence and Internal Security.” Huston’s Top Secret memo warns that parts of the plan are “clearly illegal.” Nixon approves the plan, but rejects one element—that he personally authorize any break-ins. Nixon orders that all information and operations to be undertaken under the new plan be channeled through his chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, with Nixon deliberately being left out of the loop. The first operations to be undertaken are using the Internal Revenue Service to harass left-wing think tanks and charitable organizations such as the Brookings Institution and the Ford Foundation.'



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