Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 27. Oktober
1967 / Time Line October 27, 1967
Version 3.5
26. Oktober 1967, 28. Oktober 1967
Første direkte aktion mod værnepligt i forbindelse med
Vietamkrigen i USA
foretages af the Baltimore Four: Philip Berrigan,
Tom Lewis, David Eberhardt og Jim Mengel. Det var
den første af mere
end 100 demonstrationer mod værnepligten frem til 1972.
Protest: The Banners of Dissent
'A suburban Los Angeles housewife walked up the steps of the new
Federal Building, doused herself in gasoline and struck a match. A
man nearby saw herjwalking slowly back down, moaning, "low and
terrible," before she died. The antiwar sentiment ignited the San
Francisco Bay Area, tinderbox of every anti-movement of recent
years. Boiling out from the University of California campus at
Berkeley, aggressively nonviolent protesters—many of them
nonstudents, —descended 10,000 strong upon Oakland and
surrounded the city's draft' induction center. On the first day,
Folk Singer Joan Baez, the nightingale of nonviolence, sang I'm
Going to Lay Down My Green Beret—then was arrested along with
124 other pickets, when the Oakland police moved in' ..., skriver
Time Magazine.
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