Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 18. April
1967 / Time Line April 18, 1967
Version 3.0
17. April 1967, 19. April 1967
200.000 amerikanske
modstandere af Vietnamkrigen demon-strerer ved FN-bygningen i New York og 80.000
demonstrerer i San Francisco. Martin Luther King og
Benjamin Spook marcherer sammen. Martin Luther King
kræver, at USA
tager et øjeblikkeligt skridt mod fred ved at indstille
bombningerne af Nordvietnam.
/ Antiwar demonstrators protest in Central Park, march to UN
building, included students and hippies and priests and nuns, burn
draft cards, shouted confrontations with anti-antiwar marchers,
prowar signs, Martin Luther King leads procession; another march in
downtown San Francisco down Market Street to stadium, sponsored by
loose coalition of left-wing anti-war groups, "President Johnson
meanwhile let it be known that the FBI is closely watching all
anti-war activity."- violence in Rome in night demonstration near
US embassy, water jets used (partial newsreel).
"President Johnson meanwhile let it be known that the FBI is
closely watching all anti-war activity"...
Kilde: Peace March. Thousands Oppose Vietnam War.
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