Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 25. Juli 1946 / Time Line July 25, 1946

Version 3.0

24. Juli 1946, 26. Juli 1946

Operation Crossroads II: Det fjerde amerikanske atomvåbenforsøg
USA sprænger endnu en atomtbombe ved Bikini i Stillehavet. Denne gang under havoverfladen.
/ The first underwater atomic device was detonated at Bikini Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific. It was the second of two bombs, Able and Baker, that comprised Operation Crossroads; each weapon had a yield equivalent to 23,000 pounds of TNT. The U.S. Navy conducted the tests to determine the effect of such weapons on ships at sea. More than 130 newspaper, magazine and radio correspondents from seven nations were present for the tests.
/ Américains essais d'armes nucléaires dans le Pacifique
/ Estados Unidos las pruebas de armas nucleares en el Pacífico.
/ US Atomwaffentests in Pazifik.
Kilde: U.S. Nuclear Testing Program in the Marshall Islands.
United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV 15, December 2000.



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