Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 19. september 1933 / Timeline September 19, 1933

Version 3.5

18. September 1933, 20. September 1933

International konference om og for Indiens ikkevoldelige selvstændighedsbevægelse holdes i Genève,
arrangeret af the International Committee for India, ledet af Ellen Hørup.
/ International Conference about and for India's non-violent independence movement is held in Geneva,
organized by the International Committee for India, led by Ellen Hørup.
Kilde: Indiens Venner, 1933:10 s. [1-2].
Litteratur: Raj, Secrets, Revolution: A Life of Subhas Chandra Bose. / : Mihir Bose.
Grice Chapman Publishing, 2004 - 326 s.
Indian Political Intelligence (IPI) Files,1912-1950
Advisor: Anthony Farrington, Former Deputy Director, Oriental & India, Office Collections, British Library, 1999.
The files of IPI contain a mass of previously unavailable material on the monitoring of organizations and individuals considered a threat to British India. They include surveillance reports and intercepts from MI.5, MI.6 and Scotland Yard's Special Branch, and a large number of intelligence summaries and position papers. Although the main thrust is anti-communist, exponents of the various nationalist movements were also monitored.
IPI kept files on most of the period's best known activists and political figures – including Gandhi, as well as Subhas Chandra Bose, Jawarharlal Nehru and V.J. Patel. Their movements were recorded, their correspondence read and their publications combed through for allegedly subversive statements.
In addition, there are more than 80 separate files on Indian censorship.'



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