Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 23. August 1921 / Timeline August 23, 1921

Version 3.5

22. August 1921, 24. August 1921


[The lines along which the new Arab state of Iraq should be organized were decided in London, before Churchill with Lawrence and Major Hubert Young went out in March to the Cairo Conference which was attended by all those responsible for British Government and military organization in the Middle East. It included Sir Herbert Samuel, Sir Percy Cox, Miss Gertrude Bell, Jaafar Pasha, Sir Hugh Trenchard and General Geoffrey Salmond.
Feisal was put forward as a candidate for the throne who was persona grata with the British Government, and, largely owing to the influence of Gertrude Bell, was elected the following June by an overwhelming majority of the lraqis. Trenchard, backed by Lawrence, put forward the plan for Air Control in Iraq at an estimated cost many millions below the lowest conceivable for an army of occupation. This, incidentally, was of a double benefit to the British taxpayer, since Iraq provided an ideal training ground for the R.A.F. and was its great opportunity. The settlement of lraq naturally disappointed many ambitions and some British officers who left the service were unable to see any good in the regime and have consistently attacked Lawrence's reputation not only as a political adviser but as a soldier and a writer and a man, and indeed on every possible occasion.]
Kilde: Lawrence, T. E. The Letters of T. E. Lawrence, edited by David Garnett. - London : Spring Books, 1964 s. 328-329. Original retskrivning.
RAF Inter-War (1919-1939) Battle Honours
A list of honours were promulgated in February 1947 covering local wars, mainly in the Middle East and India, awarded to squadrons which, after scrutiny of their records, it was considered took a notable part. Such honours were not eligible for emblazonment on Standards.
Aden 1928, Aden 1929, Aden 1934,
Afghanistan 1919-1920, Burma 1930-1932, Iraq 1919-1920,
Iraq 1923-1925, Iraq 1928-1929, Kurdistan 1919,
Kurdistan 1922-1924, Kurdistan 1930-1931, Mahsud 1919-1920,
Mohmand 1927, Mohmand 1933, Northern Kurdistan 1932,
Northern Russia 1918-1919, North West Frontier 1930-1931, North West Frontier 1935-1939,
North West Persia 1920, Palestine 1936-1939, Somaliland 1920,
South Persia 1918-1919, South Russia 1919-1920, Sudan 1920,
Transjordan 1924, Waziristan 1919-1925.
Kilde: RAF Battle Honours.

Irak selvstændig kongedømme.



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