Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. Oktober 1921 / Time Line October 1, 1921

Version 3.5

September 1921, 2. Oktober 1921

Det selvstændige Irak
Det britiske luftvåben overtager den militære kontrol i Irak og Jordan: The success of the RAF's involvement against the Mad Mullah two years earlier, allow ground forces to be reduced and air-policing introduced.
RAF Number 45 Squadron: On 1 April 1921, the Squadron reformed at Helwan in Egypt and began an association with stations in the Middle and Far East that lasted almost 50 years. In early 1922, the Squadron received Vernon bomber-transports and used these to great effect in Iraq where troops would be transported to trouble spots and then the aircraft would be used to bomb rebel villages.
Irakisk grundlov i 1925.
Kilde: RAF History Timeline 1918 to 1929.
RAF: No.45 (Reserve) Squadron.



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