De forenede Staters Strategiske Kommando.
United States Strategic Command provides a single warfighting combatant command with a global perspective. The command controls military space operations, computer network operations, and DoD information operations, while providing the US leadership with strategic warning and intelligence assessments as well as global strategic planning capabilities. Those strategic capabilities include future missile defense.
According to Statement of general James E. Cartwright, the "21st century operations are fundamentally different from those of the last century. Combat operations are being conducted in rapidly changing circumstances, shifting from humanitarian operations to intense firefights within a few hundred yards of each other with little or no warning. This dynamic nature is matched by a varying composition of assisting partners. We must be ready to conduct integrated, distributed operations using global and regional military forces. In many situations, these forces will be augmented by other US government personnel, coalition and commercial partners, and possibly, non-governmental organizations. To plan and effectively execute these types of distributed, agile and integrated operations, the regional combatant commands increasingly rely on multiple capabilities the global commands must support or provide.
The Unified Command Plan expands USSTRATCOM responsibilities through the assignment of global mission areas that span levels of authority, cross regional boundaries and intersect with various national and international agencies. USSTRATCOM's missions are:
Global deterrence;
Global support from space-based operations;
Global intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance;
Global strike;
Global information and network operations;
Global command and control;
Global integrated missile defense coordination;
Globally combating weapons of mass destruction.
Achieving the full potential of these missions is contingent upon identifying the right capabilities mix and sustaining our global reach through space. However, without the context of advanced situational awareness, and the power of collaboration, even the best tools may be insufficient to deter and defeat a determined adversary. We are placing an emphasis on the following global enablers:
The New Triad. USSTRATCOM supports The New Triad concept; a strategic way ahead in pursuit of a more diverse set of offensive and defensive warfighting capabilities. We are active participants in all three legs of The New Triad: offensive nuclear and non-nuclear strike (including non-kinetic), passive and active defenses, and a defense infrastructure capable of building and sustaining all offensive and defensive elements, including the critical support areas of command and control and intelligence.
Coupled with improved collaboration and shared global awareness, The New Triad concept will enable more precisely tailored global strike operations. With a full spectrum of nuclear, conventional and non-kinetic options available, regional combatant commanders will be enabled to achieve specific local effects against high value targets in the context of the strategic objective.
While we are confident in our ability to support effective global strike operations today, we must continue to evolve that capability to meet the demands of an uncertain tomorrow. For example, I intend to conduct experiments to better understand the value of weapon accuracy within a range of stressing environments. If modeling and testing confirm the value of such capability, this may lead to new thoughts on the balance between nuclear and conventional strike alternatives.
The new responsibilities assigned to USSTRATCOM have required the command to broaden its Cold War focus from deterring nuclear or large-scale conventional aggression to becoming a major contributor to the much broader defense strategy. Nuclear weapons; however, continue to be important, particularly for assuring allies and friends of US security commitments, dissuading arms competition, deterring hostile leaders who are willing to accept great risk and cost, and for holding at risk those targets that cannot be addressed by other means. As steward of the nation's strategic nuclear deterrent, we have two specific areas of focus- rationalizing our nuclear forces, and providing for a relevant nuclear stockpile in the context of The New Triad. USSTRATCOM's first priority will continue to be the maintenance of the absolute security, safety, and surety of the stockpile. At the same time we will continue to evaluate and provide a range of options, both nuclear and non-nuclear, relevant to the threat and military operations.
The New Triad concept presents an opportunity to reduce our reliance on nuclear weapons through the evaluation of alternative weapons, defensive capabilities and associated risk. It is our intent to have the upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review address nuclear issues, and the associated infrastructure, to determine transformation requirements for our nuclear capabilities in the 21st century. We will look at rationalizing our nuclear forces as an element of the overall force structure and the proper tailoring of nuclear effects as part of the broad spectrum of national power. These assessments will be important to future operational planning as well as future budget plans."
Se også: USA: Militære værn.


Garamone, Jim: DoD Proposes Program to Remodel Defense Intelligence.
American Forces Press Service, March 23, 2005
Status Report : Statement of General James Cartwright at Hearings on FY 2006 Defense Authorization Budget Request for Space Activities Senate Armed Services Committee: Statement of general James E. Cartwright, USMC
Commander, United States Strategic Command before the Strategic Forces Subcommittee on Space Policy march 16, 2005
for official use only until released by the Strategic Forces Subcommittee Senate Armed Services Committee.
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