ikke-dødelige våben, impulsvåben

Våben som ikke dræber, men kun pacifiserer en fjende eller demonstranter. Eksempelvis: gummikugler, peberspray, vandkanoner. Hardware-definition til ikke-dødelige våben er 'dele til våben', anvendes for at omgå dansk lovgivning om, at våben ikke må eksporteres til lande i krig eller i borgerkrig. Blandt ikkedødelige våben er Termas leverancer af videodisplay og tastaturenheder, der bruges til at sikre fly forsvarsssytemer og holde piloten orienteret om trusselsbilledet.
Se: Notat til Folketingets Retsudvalg om liberalisering af praksis for meddelelse af tilladelse til udførsel af forsvarsmateriel.
Omfattende forskning og udvikling af ikkedødelige våben foregår i USA ved eksempelvis: the Boeing Company, Seal Beach, U.S. Army Edgewood Engineering, Research and Development Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Institute for Emerging Defense Technologies, Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technology, Pennsylvania State University, ITT Industries, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Quantico, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, Lockheed Sanders, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, Mission Research Corporation, National Security Research, Washington, D.C., Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division, China Lake, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge; Picatinny Arsenal, Research and Technology Development Development Division, National Institute of Justice, TRW Systems, USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Voss Scientific og Wright Laboratory, Eglin AFB.
Se også: Active denial technology ; chokgranater ; directed energy weapons ; lethality ; lysgranater ; Pain trigger.


Dansk militær får gummikugler. I: Arbejderen, 11/05/2004.
New at the Sunshine Project "Non-Lethal" Biochemical Weapons Clearinghouse
Four US (bio)chemical documents are newly posted at the Project's Online Clearinghouse on US "Non-Lethal" Biochemical Weapons. The documents include:
- A 1997 US Army proposal to develop a set of ethnically-tailored malodorant chemical weapons, adapted for "a specific culture, political/religious group or geographic region."
- A 1994 US Air Force proposal to research chemical weapons that adversely effect disciple and morale of enemies, for example, a "chemical caus[ing] homosexual behaviour".
The other documents newly online are US Army proposals to adapt a battlefield smoke generator to spray riot control agents, and to use a source of concentrated carbon dioxide gas to incapacitate persons in an enclosed space.
All of the documents were redacted (edited) prior to release by the US Marine Corps. Copies are available in PDF format in the online clearinghouse at:
A short description of each follows.
Mobile Non-Lethal Disseminator (redacted) US Army Aberdeen Proving Ground June 1998
This proposal calls for formulating "non-lethal" chemicals so that they can be released by a battlefield smoke generator (the M-56 "Coyote").
Odorous Substances (redacted) US Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center July 1997
This important document provides further information on the US Army's attempts to develop "non-lethal" chemical weapons that target particular cultures. The proposal calls for development of "An 'odor index' relating specific types of odors to specific population groups around the world. This index would also detail the chemicals required to duplicate those odors..."
See also: Contract DAAD13-98-M-0064: "Establish Odor Response Profiles"
Harassing, Annoying, and "Bad Guy" Identifying Chemicals (redacted) US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB (OH) June 1994 Comment: This "non-lethal" chemical weapons proposal from the US Air Force proposes development of a variety of chemical weapons, such as: "One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behaviour". Other chemicals proposed includes ones that "made personnel very sensitive to sunlight", and that "attract stinging and biting bugs, rodents, and larger animals" to enemy positions.
Physiologically Incapacitating Device for Counterterrorism and Hostage Rescue (redacted) US Army Aberdeen Proving Ground 1994
Comment: This redacted document discusses the use of carbon dioxide, apparently introduced in the form of dry ice, as a means of incapacitating persons in a confined area.
"Thus, what is needed is a method to readily manipulate the [Ebola] genome."
- Kawaoka, et al., US Patent Application 20030215794, 20 Nov 2003
Another fine product brought to you by the US Biodefense Program.
Hambling, David: Maximum pain is aim of new US weapon
Jensen, Mona: Nye våben medfører maksimal smerte. I: Arbejderen, 03/11/2005.

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