tetrachlorethen eller perchlor

Perchlor, en del af perchlorater, er et chloreret organisk opløsningsmiddel der bl.a. anvendes som rensemiddel ved affedtning af metaller.
Rensemidlet har medført stor miljøforurening af vand rundt om i USA, specielt i forbindelse med våbenproduktion.
Se også: Kemi ; Pacific Engineering and Production Company of Nevada (PEPCON).


GAO: Perchlorate: A System to Track Sampling and Cleanup Results Is Needed, 2005. - 79 s., herunder
Facilities and Sites Where Perchlorate Was Found and Concentration Levels, as of January 2005.
'Perchlorate contamination has been found in water and soil at almost 400 sites in the United States where concentration levels ranged from a minimum reporting level of 4 parts per billion to millions of parts per billion. More than one-half of all sites were in California and Texas, and sites in Arkansas, California, Texas, Nevada, and Utah had some of the highest concentration levels.'

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