
Perchlorater anvendes bl.a. til fremstilling af fast brændstof til raketter og atomvåben, samt til anvendelse i ammunition til øvelsesbrug, hvilket medfører forurening af jord og vandløb. I USA anvendes perchlorate desuden i militære forskningslaboratorier. Chlorater og perchlorater er, ifølge Beredskabsstyrelsen, 'meget brandnærende i fast form. I kombination med brandbare materialer forhøjes risikoen for voldsomme brande, hvis disse stoffer bliver antændt under branden. Stofferne benyttes på flere måder, men er bl.a. kendt som ingredienser til fremstilling af pyrotekniske artikler som tændstikker og fyrværkeri. Chlorater og perchlorater betragtet som eksplosivstoffer i FN's anbefalinger om transport af farligt gods, og som er opført i klasse 1 i dette dokument.'
Perchlorate Contamination
Known Perchlorate Releases in the U.S. - March 25, 2005. U.S. EPA
Known perchlorate sites and cleanup operations
'In California, most of the locations where perchlorate has been detected are associated with facilities that have manufactured or tested solid rocket fuel for the Department of Defense or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. One-third of all perchlorate used in the United States is used in California and 90% of California's use is related to the aerospace industry.'
Kerr McGee Chemical Company - Henderson, NV 'Perchlorate contaminated ground water from Henderson, Nevada threatens the drinking water supply of 15 to 20 million people whose drinking water supplies originate from the lower Colorado River system. The contamination originates from the Kerr McGee Chemical Company (KMCC) in Henderson, Nevada where prior owners/operators made perchlorate (a solid rocket fuel ingredient) beginning in the early 1950s and continued perchlorate production until 1998.'
Se også: Kemi ; Pacific Engineering and Production Company of Nevada (PEPCON) ; tetrachlorethen.


Development of Environmental Data for Navy, Air Force, and Marine Munitions. / : J.L. Clausen, C.L. Scott, and R.J. Cramer, 2007. -
Munitions containing RDX, HMX, TNT, and perchlorate are used for Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine training in the continental United States, and this practice has a high potential for introducing contaminant residues into the environment. In particular, units using large numbers of Smokey Sams (mock missiles fired at fighter aircraft) have the potential to release large quantities of perchlorate into the environment.
ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2005. Perchlorate: Overview of Issues, Status, and Remedial Options; PERCHLORATE-1. Washington, D.C.: Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, Perchlorate Team. Available on the Internet at
'Highly soluble and mobile in water, perchlorate is also very stable. Most of the attention focused on perchlorate contamination concerns groundwater and surface water contamination. However, perchlorate can also contaminate soil and vegetation. The potential for perchlorate contamination in drinking water and food supplies is a human health concern because it can interfere with iodide uptake by the thyroid gland and, through this mode of action, result in decreased thyroid hormone production.'

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