
Amerikansk: School shootings.
Drab begået med skydevåben på undervisningsinstitutioner, så som skoler og universiteter, specielt i USA.
Skoleskyderierne kommer for alvor i medierne med massakren på Columbine High School i 1999, men de starter allerede i 1966.
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Mass Shootings and Public Support for Gun Control. / : Benjamin J. Newman and Todd K. Hartman B.J.Pol.S., Cambridge University Press, 2017. The recent spate of mass public shootings in the United States raises important questions about how these tragic events might impact mass opinion and public policy. Integrating research on focusing events, contextual effects and perceived threat, this article stipulates that residing near a mass shooting should increase support for gun control by making the threat of gun violence more salient. Drawing upon multiple data sources on mass public shootings paired with large-N survey data, it demonstrates that increased proximity to a mass shooting is associated with heightened public support for stricter gun control. Importantly, the results show that this effect does not vary by partisanship, but does vary as a function of salience-related event factors, such as repetition, magnitude and recency. Critically, the core result is replicated using panel data. Together, these results suggest a process of context-driven policy feedback between existing gun laws, egregious gun violence and demand for policy change.
Mass Shootings in the United States: 2009–2016. Evertown for our safety, 2017.
Multi-Victim School Shootings in the United States: A Fifty-Year Review. / : Peter Langman.
This study examined 64 school shooters who committed multivictim attacks in the United States during the years 1966 through 2015. Results include demographic analysis of age, venues of attack, racial/ethnic identity, magnitude of attacks, and frequency of perpetrator suicide. Data is provided for the sample as a whole, as well as for different time periods to highlight trends over time. Notable results include numerous changes in post- Columbine attacks, including greater age range of perpetrators, more perpetrators who are not white males, increased fatalities, and increased suicide rates.
Unges kamp for våbenkontrol er nået helt ud i USA's ærkekonservative bagland : Efter massedrabet på et gymnasium i Florida i februar er en national bevægelse af skoleelever vokset frem. Den planlægger at få en ny generation af vælgere til at stemme på tilhængere af øget kontrol med våbensalg ved midtvejsvalget til Kongressen i november. Også i konservative delstater er unge begyndt at tage et opgør med våbenkulturen. / : Martin Burcharth. I: Information, 15. juni 2018.

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