Geografi ; natur ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Histoire; Guerres; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Portugal: Klima og klimaforandringer:

Portugal er medlem af / is a member of the World Meteorological Organization
Klima i international lov / Climate in international law: Portugal: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Submitted National Communication.
Instituto de Meteorologia de Portugal
Atlas climático Ibérico temperatura del aire y precipitación (1971-2000)
/ Atlas climático Ibérico temperatura do ar e precipitação (1971-2000)
/ Iberian climate atlas air temperature and precipitation (1971-2000)
Instituto de Meteorologia de Portugal.
Ferreira MT, Cardoso P, Borges PAV, Gabriel R, de Azevedo EB, Elias RB (2019) Implications of climate change to the design of protected areas: The case study of small islands (Azores). PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218168.
In this work, our model projections for most endemic species studied in Terceira and São Miguel Islands suggests that there will be a decrease in distribution with climate change. This has implications for the conservation of these species, being at risk of either disappearing or reducing their distribution dramatically. Evaluating the suitability of the current protected areas has shown that these may not meet the needs of species in the future, especially on São Miguel. This type of analysis can be done for other islands of the Azores as well. We have shown that tools like the software PRION useful for delineating changes to species distributions under climate change. Climate change will likely affect species future distributions and the optimization of protected areas is a necessity in global change scenarios. Reaching the decision makers with this information is therefore of the upmost importance.
Se også: Europæisk klima.



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