
Hjælp ofte i form af mad til personer i nød.
Blandt nødhjælpsorganisationer kan nævnes: ADRA Danmark, Caritas Danmark, Dansk Røde Kors, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Komitéen for den Danske Landsindsamling til Hjælp for Nødlidende Spanske Kvinder og Børn (1937-1939) ; Læger uden Grænser, Red Barnet, STS International Solidarity og UNICEF.
Se også: Ulandsbistand ; Wienerbørn.


CRS: U.S. International Food Assistance: An Overview. / : Alyssa R. Casey, 2018.
The current suite of international food assistance programs began with the Food for Peace Act (P.L. 83- 480), commonly referred to as “P.L. 480,” which established the Food for Peace program (FFP). Congress authorizes most food assistance programs in periodic farm bills. However, Congress authorized the Emergency Food Security Program (EFSP)—a newer, cash-based food assistance program—in the Global Food Security Act of 2016 (P.L. 114-195). Congress funds international food assistance programs through annual agriculture appropriations and state and foreign operations (SFOPS) appropriations bills. Since 2007, annual international food assistance outlays averaged $2.6 billion. In FY2016, FFP Title II and EFSP accounted for 87% of total international food assistance outlays. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administer U.S. international food assistance programs.

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