The Lollards

Lollarderne (mumlere - af bønner og salmer).
Engelsk historisk fredskirke, hvis oprettelse inspireres af John de Wycliffe omkring 1380 inspireret af Frans af Asisis.
The Lollards menes at være den første pacifistiske organisation i England. Medlemmerne som publicerede den første bibel på engelsk dømmes som kættere omkring 1390. Sekten publicerede bl.a. the Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards 1395. Det hedder heri: "The Tenth Conclusion: War, Battle, and Crusades
"The tenth conclusion is that manslaughter by battle or law of righteousness for temporal cause or spiritual with out special revelation is express contrary to the New Testament, the which is a law of grace and full of mercy. This conclusion is openly proved by example of Christ's preaching here on earth. the which most taught to love and to have mercy on his enemies. and not for to slay them. The reason is of this, that for the more party, there men fight, after the first stroke charity is broken; and who so dyeth out of charity goth the high way to hell. And over this, we know well that no clerk can find by scripture or by reason lawful punishment of death for one sin and not for another. But the law of mercy, that is the New Testament, forbade all manslaughter: in euangelio dictum est antiquis. Non occides. The corollary is: it is an holy robbing of poor people when lords purchase indulgences a pena et a culpa to them that helpeth with his host. and gathereth to slay the Christian men in far lands for good temporal, as we have seen. And knights, that run to heathenness to get them a name in slaying of men, get much maugré of the King of Peace; for the meekness and sufferance our belief was multiplied, and fighters and manslayers Jesu Christ hateth and menaceth. Qui gladio percutit, gladio peribit."
Guppens medlemmer forfølges af den engelske inkvisition fra 1401 og lollarderne opløses omkring reformationen i 1520erne. Blandt medlemmerne af lollarderne kan nævnes martyrerne John Badby og Sir John Oldcastle.
Se også: Reformations martyrologium.


The Lollard Society: Bibliography of Primary Sources. This page was last modified on July 1st, 2010. This bibliography includes primary source texts relevant to the literary, historical, cultural, and religious milieu of Lollardy as well as those specifically by and about Lollard writers–and so, it is also a good place to start for work on later medieval religious culture in England at large. Inclusion on this list, therefore, does not necessarily mean that a text is Lollard.
Brock, Peter: The Pacifist Lollards : England's Premature War Resisters. I: Studies in Peace History 1991 s. 1-7.
Deanesly, Margaret: The Lollard Bible and other medieval Biblical versions (1920).
Foxe's Book of Martyrs, A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Early Christian and the Protestant Martyrs vol 1 (June 15, 2009).
Martyrs omitted by Foxe: records of religious persecutions in the 16th and 17th centuries ... (1870).
The acts and monuments of John Foxe: a new and complete edition: with a preliminary dissertation, by the Rev. George Townsend ... (1837).
Udvalgte afsnit Lollarderne eller en Beretning om Sandhedens Vidner i Storbrittanien imellem aarene 1400 0g 1546. 1833. 60s. Oversat af Candidat i Theologien P. D. Blicher.

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