Komitee Soldaten tegen Kernwapens

Komitee Soldaten tegen

Historisk organisation af hollandske soldater som var imod kernevåben. Formodentlig opretttet i begundelsen af 1980'erne.
During the last year the massive civilian movement against nuclear weapons has found a counterpart inside the Dutch army. Amongst army officers and soldiers, professionals as well as conscripts, a debate has been started about the nuclear arms race. For professional army officers the-debate has resulted in the founding of the Teace and Security Deliberation Council1 (VVBK). Amongst the conscripts members of the 'Dutch Conscripts' Trade Union (WDM) and the 'League of Conscripts' (BVD) have organised the 'Dutch Soldiers Committee against Nuclear Weapons'.
The guiding principle of the Committee is the unilateral and unconditional removal of all nuclear weapons from Dutch soil. We have no longer any faith in the protracted SALT negotiations, which have not ended the nuclear arms race. On the contrary, these negotiations have accelerated the development of refined tactical weapons suitable for use on the battlefield in the event of a conflict in Central Europe.
There is no time to wait for steps to be taken by either of the two superpowers for a mutual, 'balanced' arms reduction. Only deliberate steps made by smaller nations such as Holland, can set an example for nations in the Eastern Bloc and lead the USA and the Federal Republic of Germany, to start thinking seriously about unilateral nuclear disarmament.
The world is still a long way from such steps. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the anti-nuclear arms movement, outside as well as inside the army. Soldiers of the Dutch army are closely involved in the guarding and storage of nuclear weapons. And are also being trained to use them. A massive refusal of all soldiers to work with nuclear weapons can make it difficult to maintain them on Dutch soil.
The aims of the Committee are as follows:
1. To distribute information about nuclear weapons.
2. To encourage soldiers to refuse to work with nuclear weapons.
3. To organise the fight against nuclear weapons inside the Dutch army.
Dutch soldiers committee against nuclear weapons,
HOLLAND. TEL. 030-311893.'
Se også: Holland: Fredsbevægelser.

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