
1. Oldengelsk, oldtysk: Afkølede og dermed frosne væskers faste tilstandsform, herunder isbjerge, indlandsis, pakis og iskerner.
Iskerner anvendes til at måle klimaforandringer i tid.
Dødis er gletsjeris, der ikke længere er i bevægelse / Dead-ice occurs when a glacier or ice sheet ceases to move and melts.
Kryosfæren / Cryosphere er de dele af klodens systemer, hvor vand findes i fast form så som indlandsis, ishylder og gletsjere, isdækket på Polarhavet, permafrost, isbjerge og sne.
Kryosfæren er komponenterne i jordsystemet ved og under land- og havoverfladen der er frosset, herunder snedække, gletsjere, iskapper, isshelfe, isbjerge, havis, sø is, flod is, permafrost, og sæsonmæssigt frosnet jord.
Det er en herskende karakter i Arktis og subarktiske områder, og strækker sig ud over det meste af Norden.
Isvinter / ice winter: Der er ikke nogen klimatiske eller meterologiske definitioner på begrebet isvinter. En isvinter en vinter med (megen) is, hvor de indre danske farvande fryser til og skaber behov for isbrydning.
US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) formål er at forbedre vores forståelse af Jordens frosne områder. dette indbefatter vores planets flydende havis, sø is, gletsjere, iskapper, snedække og frosne jord, kollektivt kendt som kryosfæren.
The mission of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is to improve our understanding of the Earth’s frozen realms. This includes our planet’s floating sea ice cover, lake ice, glaciers, ice sheets, snow cover and frozen ground, collectively known as the cryosphere. -
2. dessert.
Se også: Antarktis (Sydpolen) ; bræ ; glaciologi ; IPCC ; hydrologi ; isbryder ; isbrydning ; Isbrydningsnævnet ; Isbrydningsrådet ; iskanon ; istid, herunder den lille istid ; isdøgn ; iskoldt ; isstorm ; klima ; klimaforandrindringer ; klimaforskning ; klimatologi ; meteologi ; naturvidenskab ; tø ; smeltevand ; Statens Istjeneste ; US Army Corps of Engineers: Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory ; våge ; åndehul.


Arctic Imagination. / : redaktører: Lise Bach Hansen, Juliane Hartsø Lassen ; oversætter: René Lauritsen ; illustratorer: Niels Hougaard et al. Det Kongelige Bibliotek, 2018.
Hvad gør vi, når isen i Arktis forsvinder? Sådan lød spørgsmålet, der indledte Arctic Imagination - et transatlantisk projekt og samarbejde mellem biblioteker i København, New York, Stockholm, Oslo og Nuuk om smeltende is. Bogen er vokset ud af projektets mange events, live-samtaler, udstillinger, optrædener - og ikke mindst bibliotekssamlinger.
Hvad indlandsisen gemmer. / : Owen Wilkes. Forsvar, 1980:1 s. 18-20.
Ice sheet contributions to future sea-level rise from structured expert judgment.
/ : Jonathan L. Bambera et al. PNAS, 2019.
Future sea level rise (SLR) poses serious threats to the viability of coastal communities, but continues to be challenging to project using deterministic modeling approaches. Nonetheless, adaptation strategies urgently require quantification of future SLR uncertainties, particularly upper-end estimates. Structured expert judgement (SEJ) has proved a valuable approach for similar problems. Our findings, using SEJ, produce probability distributions with long upper tails that are influenced by interdependencies between processes and ice sheets. We find that a global total SLR exceeding 2 m by 2100 lies within the 90% uncertainty bounds for a high emission scenario. This is more than twice the upper value put forward by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in the Fifth Assessment Report.
Isvinteren der forsvandt. / : Flemming Vejen. Vejret, Årg. 32, 2010:2 s. 1-14.
Leder: Alle kan lære noget af Texas' isvinter. I: Information, 23. februar 2021.
Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, 2010.
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, contains 11 chapters designated by the letters A through K. Chapter A provides a comprehensive, yet concise, review of the "State of the Earth's Cryosphere at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Glaciers, Global Snow Cover, Floating Ice, and Permafrost and Periglacial Environments," and a "Map/Poster of the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere," and a set of eight "Supplemental Cryosphere Notes" about the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere and the Earth System. The next 10 chapters, B through K, are arranged geographically and present glaciological information from Landsat and other sources of historic and modern data on each of the geographic areas. Chapter B covers Antarctica; Chapter C, Greenland; Chapter D, Iceland; Chapter E, Continental Europe (except for the European part of the former Soviet Union), including the Alps, the Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Svalbard (Norway), and Jan Mayen (Norway); Chapter F, Asia, including the European part of the former Soviet Union, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan; Chapter G, Turkey, Iran, and Africa; Chapter H, Irian Jaya (Indonesia) and New Zealand; Chapter I, South America; Chapter J, North America (excluding Alaska); and Chapter K, Alaska. Chapters A–D each include map plates.
IPCC, 2019: Summary for Policymakers. In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate [H.- O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N. Weyer (eds.)]. In press.

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