
Græsk: En foton er en elementarpartikel af lys og energi.
Fotonik er videnskaben og teknologien, der beskæftiger sig med generering og styring af lys samt andre former for elektromagnetisk stråling.
Se også: Atomfysik ; optik.


Microwave Photonics in Dual-Use Military Systems - A Personal Perspective. / : Defense Technical Information Center, 2003.
- 'Microwave photonics has come of age and there are a number of military applications that could directly benefit from. Optically controlled phased array antenna is one of the most widely pursued applications. The fiber optic links are employed for distribution of a variety of communication, intelligence, tracking, radar signals. There are a number of issues that dictate the type of architecture that is employed for effective and reliable control of phased array. However, the most important benefit is in the optical signal processing of microwave signals. Fiber delay lines are an important element of an signal processing solutions.'

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