
I musik: Tone der gentages i hele musikstykket. Også den del af musikinstrumentet som frembringer tonen.
I zoologi: Hanbi.
Militært: Førerløst fly, UAV.
Se også: Creech 14 ; Project Brass Ring ; snigmord.


CRS: Drones in Domestic Surveillance Operations: Fourth Amendment Implications and Legislative Responses. / : Richard M. Thompson II. 2012. - 23 s.
'Although relatively few drones are currently flown over U.S. soil, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicts that 30,000 drones will fill the nation’s skies in less than 20 years. Congress has played a large role in this expansion. In February 2012, Congress enacted the FAA Modernization and Reform Act (P.L. 112-95), which calls for the FAA to accelerate the integration of unmanned aircraft into the national airspace system by 2015. However, some Members of Congress and the public fear there are insufficient safeguards in place to ensure that drones are not used to spy on American citizens and unduly infringe upon their fundamental privacy. These observers caution that the FAA is primarily charged with ensuring air traffic safety, and is not adequately prepared to handle the issues of privacy and civil liberties raised by drone use.'
Google says it will not renew Project Maven—but collaboration with Pentagon will continue.
/ : Will Morrow. Countercurrents.org June 3 2018
'On Friday, Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene announced at a meeting with employees that the company will not renew its contract with the Pentagon for Project Maven following its expiry in 2019. Under the program, which Google entered in September last year, the company has provided the military with artificial intelligence software to perform real-time analysis of drone surveillance footage. The technology allows the Pentagon to develop its illegal drone assassination program that has killed thousands across the Middle East and North Africa.'
Israel and the drone wars : Examining Israel's production, use and proliferation of UAVs. / : Mary Dobbing and Chris Cole Drone Wars UK, 2014.
- https://dronewarsuk.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/israel-and-the-drone-wars.pdf
Leder: Droner giver USA hovedpine. I: Information, 02/11/222013.
Virtuel krig giver granatchok. Interview med Chris Woold. / : Rasmus Raun Westh. I: Information, 31. juli 2015.

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