Camp Century

Historisk atomdrevet underjordisk amerikansk bygget fra 1959 og fremefter øst for Thule i Grønland som et led i Project Iceworm. Nedlagt omkring 1966.
Se også: Camp Fistclench ; Camp Tuto ; US Operation Lead Dog, 1960 ; Nukey Poo (US Navy PM-3A Nuclear Power Plant McMurdo Station, Antarctica).


Camp Century: evolution of concept and history of design construction and performance. / Elmer F. Clark.
- Hanover, New Hampshire: U.S. Army materiel command, Cold regions research & engineering laboratory. 1965.- 68 s.
'Camp Century was constructed by the U. S. Army Polar Research Development Center (now the U. S. Army Research Support Group). The U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, with consultation and assistance from the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory and guidance from the Chief of Engineers, prepared preliminary design specifications for the camp. The PM-ZA Nuclear Power Plant was designed by ALCO Products, Incorporated, Schenectady, New York, under contract to the U. S. Army Engineer District, Eastern Ocean. The Nuclear Power Plant buildings were designed by the engineering firm of Metcalf and Eddy, Boston, Massachusetts.'
Camp Century: Koldkrigsbyen under Grønlands indlandsis.
/ : Henry Nielsen og Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen . Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2017.
Midt under den kolde krig gik den amerikanske hær i al hemmelighed i gang med at bygge en militærbase dybt inde i Grønlands indlandsis. Officielt var Camp Century en forskningsstation. Men det langsigtede mål var potentielt altødelæggende. USA ville rette 600 atomsprænghoveder mod Sovjetunionen. I 1966, efter kun seks år, opgav amerikanerne det kontroversielle projekt og forlod lejren. Alligevel har Camp Century flere gange nedkølet de politiske og diplomatiske relationer mellem USA, Grønland og Danmark.
Så vidt jeg kan bedømme det er al relevant litteratur rigtigt godt formidlet.
Det eneste nyttige der kom ud af projektet var iskerneboringerne.
Danmark opgiver at få USA til at betale for rustne amerikanske olietønder og andet affald i Grønland: Regeringen vil bruge 180 millioner kroner på at rydde op i Grønland efter gamle amerikanske militærinstallationer – og der ventes ingen bidrag fra USA . / : Martin Breum. I: Information, 12. januar 2018.
Report of Environmental Operation Lead Dog 1960 ; a traverse of north Greenland and an aerial and surface exploration of Peary Land and Crown Prince Christian Land conducted by the US Army Transportation Corps May-July 1960. United States Army Transportation Board. Fort Eustis, Virginia, 2011. - 196 s. -
'Each year since 1952 the Transportation Corps has conducted operations and studies designed to extend the military and scientific knowledge of the Greenland icecap and surrounding ice-free land areas. The operating and navigation techniques which have been developed by the Transportation Corps have become standard for icecap operations in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Project LEAD DOG 60, a continuation of these studies, was carried out in conjunction with nine other Department of Defense and US Govern-. ment agencies.'
A Compilation of Camp Centumy Environmental Monitoring Data. From 20 May 1960 to 30 June 1961, April 1962. / Mr. Robext J. Nicoll!, Mr. David T. Kilminster, Mr. John W. Kinch, and Mr. John H. McNeilly. U. S. Army Chemical Corps Nuclear Defense Laboratory. Army Chemical Center, Maryland, 1962. - 31 s.
Department of Defense: United States Army Research and Development - Progress Report Number Six - Camp Century (1964). -
Samme film i sort-hvid National Archives and Records Administration: Big Picture: City Under the Ice.
DVD Copied by Liz Pruszko - Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984). The first release of the 1961-1962 THE BIG PICTURE series tells the story of a research and development project undertaken by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in Greenland. This city under the ice cap referred to as Camp Century, is a new concept of polar construction. It is today's Modern Army in action on a new frontier of solid ice and snow. During this 30-minute presentation, you will see how snowy wastelands are developed into a completely built city equipped with every convenience from a nuclear power plant to a shower.
Ritzaus Bureau: Danmark lod USA udlede radioaktivt spildvand. I Information, 22. februar 2017.
Det var med fuld tilladelse fra Danmark, at USA fra 1960 til 1963 sendte radioaktivt spildevand ned i Grønlands indlandsis.

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