bunker busters

Amerikansk: Små taktiske (atom)bomber, earth penetrating weapons, som er så kraftige, at de kan gennemtrænge og ødelægge bunkere, eksempelvis the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP). USA's langtidsplanlægning omkring minikernevåben som beskrevet i Managing the Nation's Nuclear Materials er problematisk af flere årsager:
1) George W. Bush states that "Nuclear Weapons still have a vital role to play in our security and that of our allies." This statement is a clear violation of Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which the US has signed and ratified.
2) Chapter 4 is entitled "The Agile and Responsive Nuclear Weapons Complex of 2030." The title of this chapter signals the US intention of retaining nuclear weapons at least until 2030, thus again violating Article VI of the NPT.
3) The report calls for the development of new types of nuclear weapons, in violation of the NPT. This would probably also involve violations of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
4) The development of low-yield nuclear weapons would undermine the "no first use" principle and the principle that nuclear weapons may not be used against non-nuclear nations.
Se også: Reliable Replacement Warhead.


http://www.ucsusa.org/global_security/nuclear_weapons/nuclear-bunker-buster-rnep-animation.html .
Jensen, Sten: Små atombomber skal rydde bunkers. I: Politiken, 12/26/2003.
Managing the Nation's Nuclear Materials: The 2025 Vision for the Department of Energy. / D. C. Christensen ... [et al].

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