Benezet, Anthony / Antoine Bénézet

F. 1713 D. 1789
Fransk-amerikansk underviser, kvæker, borgerrettighedsforkæmper, bibliotekar, flygtningeven, slavemodstander og pacifist før, under og efter The French and Indian War. Forældrene var (protestantiske) Huguenotter som var flygtet fra Frankrig via England (hvor familien opholdt sig fra 1715 til 1731) til de nordamerikanske kolonier i 1731, hvor Anthony Benezet bliver kvæker.
Forretningsmand, derefter, 1742 underviser. Kaldet 'the Gentle Schoolmaster'. Anthony Benezets undervisningsreformer omfattede bl.a. afskaffelse af pisk og spanskrør som pædagoiske redskaber. Oprettede den første skole for piger i USA i 1754 og underviste også som den første negerbørn. Pioner i arbejdet for slavernes frigørelse i tæt samarbejde med Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush og John Woolman. Anthony Benezet grundlægger i 1775 the Society for the Relief of Free Negroes unlawfully held in Bondage.
Anthony Benezet (A Lover of Mankind) skrev også den første bog om afholdssagen i USA: The Mighty Destroyer Displaced i 1774, men først og fremmest arbejdede han for fred: Anthony Benezet og store dele af befolkningen i Pensylvania protesterer i november 1755 mod militærloven i forbindelse med the French and Indian war og den deraf følgende militærskat: His hatred of war was intence.”1.
Anthony Benezet og Israel Pemberton grundlægger året efter the Friendly Association for Gaining and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures.
Byen Benezette i Pennsylvania er opkaldt efter ham. Arkiv: Haverford College Libraries - Special Collections - Anthony Benezet Papers, 1750-1784 og Swarthmore.
Se også: John Eliot.


1 Hirst s. 401-402.


BENEZET, Anthony.
Band XXIX (2008) Spalten in Vorbereitung Autor: Claus Bernet.
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL)

Benezet, Anthony: The Plainness and innocent Simplicity of the Christian Religion.
- Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank, 1782. - 48 s.
Benezet, Anthony: The Spirit of Prayer, With Some Thoughts of War. 1780.
Benezet, Anthony: Serious Reflections affectionatly recommended to the well-disposed of every religious Denomination, particularly those who mourn and lament on account on the calamities which attend us; and the insensibility that so generally prevails, Written in the Year 1778. - Philadelphia : Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-street, Between Second and Third-streets, 1778.
Benezet, Anthony: A short account of the people called Quakers; their rise, religious principles and settlements in America. Mostly collected from different authors, for the information of all serious inquirers, particularly foreigners.
- Philadelphia : Cruikshank, 1780. - 27 pp.
Benezet, Anthony: Considerations On several Important Subjects; viz. On War and its Inconsistency with the Gospel. Observations on Slavery. and Remarks on the Nature and bad Effects of Spirituous Liquors.
- PHILADELHIA : Printed by JOSEPH CRUKSHANK, in Market-street, Between Second and Third-streets,1778. - 48 s.
Benezet, Anthony: Some observations on the situation, disposition, and character of the Indian natives of this continent.
- Philadelphia : Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshank ... , 1784.
Benezet, Anthony: Thoughts on the Nature of War, and its Repugnancy to the Christian Life.
- Philadelphia : Henry Miller, 1776. - 14 s.
Brookes, George S.: Friend Anthony Benezet.
- Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937 - 516 s. [Haves: Luther College Preus Library].
(Benezet's writing are worth the efford of collecting them into the the edition which still awaits publication…).
Brookes collected: a Bibliography pp. 179-203, Benezet Letters, pp. 207-472, Some minor Writings of Beenzet: The Epistle of 1754, Extract of the Memorial to the King of Great Britain in behaf of the Acadians, drafted at their Request in the Year 1760, An Account of the Behaviour & Sentiments of a Number of Well-Disposed Indians mostly from the Minusing Tribe, An Account of Papunahung's second Visit to the Friends the 4 th of the 8th month, 1761, Some Observations Relating to the Establisment of Schools 1778, Serious Reflections …, Short Observations on Slavery.
Hirst, Margaret E.: Quakers in Peace and War, s. 377 og specielt afsnittet: The War of Independence, s. 384-385.
Johnson, William, Sir: An Account of conferences held, and treaties made between Major-general Sir William Johnson, Bart. and the Chief Sachems and warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, Tuskaroras, Aughquageys, Skaniadaradighronos, Chugnuts, Mahickanders, Shawanese, Kanuskagos, Toderighronos, and Oghquagoes, Indian nations in North America, at their meeting on different occasions at Fort Johnson in the county of Albany, in the colony of New York, in the years 1755 and 1756 : with a letter from the Rev. M. Hawley to Sir William Johnson, written at the desire of the Delaware Indians and a preface giving a short account of the Six Nations, some anecdotes of the life of Sir William, and notes illustrating the whole : also an appendix containing an account of conferences between several Quakers ...
- London : Printed for A. Millar ... , 1756. - 91 s.
[Law, William]: An extract from a treatise on the spirit of prayer, or the soul rising out of the vanity of time into the riches of eternity. With some thoughts on war. Remarks on the nature and bad effects of the use of spirituous liquors. And considerations on slavery. - Philadelphia : Joseph Crukshank, 1780. - 84 s.
Regen, Curt: Friends for three hundred years
Thomson, Charles: The Alienation of the Delaware and Shawnese Indians.
Vaux, Roberts: Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet.
- Philadelphia : Published by James P. Parke, 1817. - 136 pp.
Vaux, Roberts: Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet [1859] / Anthony Benezet; from the original Memoir / Rev., with additions, by Wilson Armistead. - Freeport, N.Y. : Books for Libraries Press, 1971. - xv, 144 s.

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