
Latin: Adgretitor; Overfald eller nærme sig, gå hen til. I normal sprogbrug overfald, angreb, fredsbrud. I international politik en stats eller en alliances anvendelse af væbnede styrker imod en andens suverænitet, territoriale integritet eller politiske uafhængighed af en anden stat, eksempelvis Japans krig mod Kina om Manchuriet 1931, NATOs angreb på Serbien i 1999 og USAs krig mod Irak 2003.
I psykologi er aggression udtryk for det emotionelle motiv, hvis grundfølelse er vrede.
I mellemkrigsårene var der stor uenighed mellem stormagterne om, hvordan man skulle definere agresssion. Efter anden verdenskrig defineres angrebskrig ved Nürnbergprocessen som en forbrydelse, hvor aggresorens erobringer ikke anerkendes. Retten fandt, at den højtidelige erklæring om frasigelse af krig som middel for statspolitik i Briand-Kellogg-traktaten medfører, at en sådan krig er ulovlig ifølge international lov og ret.
Definition of "Aggression" Suggested by American Delegation to International Conference on Military Trials : London, 1945
An aggressor, for the purposes of this Article, is that state which is the first to commit any of the following actions:
(1) Declaration of war upon another state;
(2) Invasion by its armed forces, with or without a declaration of war, of the territory of another state;
(3) Attack by its land, naval, or air forces, with or without a declaration of war, on the territory, vessels, or aircraft of another state;
(4) Naval blockade of the coasts or ports of another state;
(5) Provision of support to armed bands formed in its territory which have invaded the territory of another state, or refusal, notwithstanding the request of the invaded state, to take in its own territory, all the measures in its power to deprive those bands of all assistance or protection.
No political, military, economic or other considerations shall serve as an excuse or justification for such actions; but exercise of the right of legitimate self-defense, that is to say, resistance to an act of aggression, or action to assist a state which has been subjected to aggression, shall not constitute a war of aggression.
FN-resolution med definition af aggression vedtaget i 1974.
Se også: Intervention.

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