The Danish Peace Academy

Terp, Holger: Peace in print, The history of the peace movement 2. Records No. 485-758 of of 1888.

Ca Ce Ch Ci Cl Cn Co Cr Cu Cz
Da De Di Do Dr Du Dy
Fa Fb Fe Fi Fl Fo Fr Fu Fy

  1. Carl von Ossietzky : Eine biographische Ausstellung.
    - Oldenburg : Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg, 1988. - 89 pp. GER.

  2. Carl von Ossietzky, Kurt Tucholsky, Georg Friedrich Nicolai : Eine Dokumentation zum Carl-von-Ossietzky-Preis der Stadt Oldenburg, 1986. - Oldenburg : H. Holzberg, 1987. pp. GER.

  3. Carl von Ossietzky und das politische Exil : die Arbeit des 'Freundeskreises Carl von Ossietzky' in den Jahren 1933-1936 / Frithjof Trapp ; Knut Bergmann ; Bettina Herre.
    - Hamburg : Hamburger Arbeitsstelle für Deutsche Exilliteratur, 1988. - xxix, 272 pp. GER.
    (Veröiffentlichungen der Hamburger Arbeitsstelle für Deutsche Exilliteratur ; 1).

  4. Carli, Ludovico: Address before the International Peace Society. [S.L.] nd. pp.

  5. Carlson, Peter: Til grund för fredsarbete / Peter Carlson ; Margareta Teke.
    - Stockholm : sn, 1994. - 68 pp. : ill. SWE. - ISBN 91 85678-61-2

  6. Carlsson, Lizzie: Världssamling för fred : Et internationelt Krigsparti.
    - Stockholm : Svea Rikes förlag, 1938. - pp. SWE.

  7. Carsten, F. L.: War against War : British and German Radical Movements in the First World War.
    - London : Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd., 1982. - 286 pp. *.
    Also printed in - Berkely : University of California Press, 1982. - 285 pp. ISBN 0-520-04581-5.
    (Independent Labour Party, Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, No-Conscription Fellowship, Union of Democratic Control).

  8. Carter, April: Peace Movements : International protests and world policies since 1945.
    - London ; New York : Longman, 1992. - 283 pp.

  9. Cartland, Fernando G.: Southern Heroes, or the Friends in War Time. - Cambridge : The Riverside Press, 1895. - 480 pp. : Ill. ; Quakers ; American Civil War - History 1861-1865).

  10. Case, Clarence March: Non violent Coercion.
    - New York : , 1922. - pp.

  11. Ceadel, Martin: The origins of war prevention : The British peace movement and international relations.
    - Oxford : Claredon Press, 1996. - 587 pp. - ISBN 0-19-822674-8

  12. Ceadel, Martin: Pacifism in Britain 1914-1945 : The defining of a faith.
    - Oxford : Claredon Press, 1980. - 342 pp. (Oxford University Monographs).

  13. Ceadel, Martin: Thinking about Peace and War.
    - Oxford : Oxford Paperbacks, 1989. - 222 pp. (Peace movement, militarism, political ideas, war, opinion polls).

  14. Lord Cecil: A great Experiment. - London : 1941. pp.

  15. Challenge to the new God : The resistance to nuclear weapons / compiled and editor: Don Mason ; Catherine Robinson.
    - East Wittering, West Sussex : Gooday, 1988. - 120 pp.

  16. Chamberlain, William Joseph: Fighting for Peace : The story of the War Resistance Movement.
    - New York : Garland, 1929 ; 1971. - 155 pp.

  17. Channing, William Ellery: Discourses on War.
    - Boston : The International Union, 1903. - 229 pp. *.

  18. Charles DeBennedetti memorial conference (1990 : Toledo ) : Give peace a chance : Exploring the Vietnam antiwar movement : Essays / Melvin Small ; William D. Hoover (editors). - Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 1992. - 300 pp. - ISBN 0-8156-2558-8

  19. Chatfield, Charles: The Americanization of Gandhi : Images of the Mahatma.
    - New York : Garland, 1976. - 802 pp.

  20. Chatfield, Charles: For Peace and Justice : Pacificism in America, 1914-1941.
    - Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, 1971. - viii, 447 pp. : ill.

  21. Chatfield, Charles (editor): International War Resistance through World War II.
    - New York : Garland, 1975. - pp. (Reprints of pamplets published during World War II).

  22. Chatfield, Charles: Peace Movements in America. - New York : Schocken Books, 1973. - xxxii, 191 pp.

  23. Chatfield, Charles: The Radical "No". - [S. L.]: (s.n.), 1974. pp.

  24. Chertkov, Vladimir: The Last Days Of Leo Tolstoy.
    - Moscow : 1911. - pp.

  25. Chickering, Roger: Imperial Germany and a World Without War : The Peace Movement and German Society 1892-1914.
    - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1975. - 487 pp.

  26. Chr. Christensen og den danske syndikalisme / editor: Carl Heinrich Petersen.
    - Århus : Modtryk, 1979. - 626 pp. : ill. ; 22 cm. * DAN. - ISBN 87-87817-48-9
    (Articles on militarism, antimilitarism and the draft pp. 473-492). (Bibliography over syndicalism pp. 559-626).

  27. Christensen, Ann Dorte: Kvinder i fredsbevægelsen : Hverdagsliv og politisk organisering belyst gennem en undersøgelse af Kvinder for Fred og Nej til Atomvåben i Aalborg 1980-86. - Ålborg : Ålborg University Center, 1990. - 137 pp. * DAN. Forskningsrapport. Institut for Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning, Skriftserie ; 48). ; 30 cm.
    - ISBN 87-89088-30-1 (About women in NTA and Women for Peace, Denmark).

  28. Christensen, Ann-Dorte: Ulydige kvinders magt : Kvindefredslejren ved Ravnsstrup som politisk proces.
    - Ålborg : Ålborg University Press, 1989. - 137 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Serie om kvindeforskning ; 26). ; 23.5 cm. - ISBN 87-7307-399-7 (Thesis). (The Ravnstrup peace camp was a Danish women peace camp like Greenham Common).

  29. Christiansen, Niels: Rapport i anledning af undersøgelsen ved auditør af visse forhold vedrørende Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste og Militærnægterforeningen mv. i perioden 1970 - 1978 : Afgivet den 16. August 1999 til Forsvarsministeriet af vicegeneralauditør, Niels Christiansen. - Copenhagen : Forsvarets Auditørkorps, 1999. - 68 pp. *. AmK ; MNF ; CO ; military intellecence ; Denmark.

  30. Christensen, Thomas: Aldrig mere Krig.
    - Viborg : Aldrig mere Krig, 1934. - 12 pp. *. DAN. Quakers ; WRI ; AmK.

  31. Christian Martyrdom in Russia : Persecution of the Doukhobors / editor: Vlademir Tchertkoff : Containing a Concluding Chapter and Letter by Leo Tolstoy, and the Story of the Deleverence. - London : The Free Age Press, 1900. - 78 pp. *.
    (Also translated into Danish
    Et kristent Folk og dets Lidelseshistorie : Dukoboerne.
    - Copenhagen : Frimodt, 1918. - 94 pp.).

  32. Christians as Peace Makers : Peace Movements in Europe and the USA / Marc Reuver.
    - Geneva : WCC Publications, 1988. - x, 84 pp.

  33. Christmas Møller, William: Niels Bohr og atomvåbnet.
    - Copenhagen : Vindrose, 1985. - 246 pp. *. DAN. - ISBN 87-7456-219-3

  34. Circular letter in behalf of the Massachusetts Peace Society.
    - Boston : Printed by J. Hilliard & Metcalf ; Eliot, 1816-1817 - 8 pp.

  35. Claesson, Göran C.O.: Din kraft for fred.
    - Stockholm ; Malmö : Svenska röda korset ; Liber, 1984. - 119 pp. : ill.

  36. Clark, I. F. : Voices Prophesying War 1763-1984. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1966. - 254 pp.

  37. Claudi, Erik: Greenpeace.
    - Copenhagen : Tiderne Skifter, 1988. 2 Vols. - 321 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    Vol. 1 : Regnbuens krigere. (The history of Greenpeace).
    Vol. 2 : Økologi og Forurening. (Ecology and polution).

  38. Cliff, Tony: Rosa Luxenburg : En politisk biografi. - Copenhagen : Politisk Revy, 1973. - 106 pp. * DAN.

  39. Cline, Catherine Ann: E. D. Morel 1873-1924 : The strategies of Protest. - Belfast : Blackstaff, 1980. - 180 pp.

  40. The CND Story : The first 25 years of CND in the words of those involved / editor: John Minnion ; Philiph Bolsover.
    - London : Allison & Busby, 1983. - 158 pp. : ill.

  41. Coates, Ken (editor): The Berlin convention.
    - Nottingham : The Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1984. - 136 pp. *.
    (END Papers ; 6). (Nuclear weapons, disarmament, peace movement).

  42. Coates, Ken: European Nuclear Disarmament.
    - Nottingham : Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1980. - 26 pp. *.

  43. Coates, Ken: The most dangerous decade : World militarism and the new non-aligned Peace Movement.
    - Nottingham : Spokesman Books, 1984. - 211 pp.
    (Militarism, peace movement, disarmament, nuclear weapons, NWFZ, force comparison).

  44. Coates, Ken: Think Globally, Act Locally : The United Nations and the Peace Movements.
    - Nottingham : Spokesman, 1989. - pp. *.

  45. Cobden, Richard: Speeches of Richard Cobden … on Peace, Financial Reform, Colonial Reform, and other subjects.
    - London : J. Gilbert, 1849. xii, 253 pp.

  46. The Committee on Un-American Activities: Communist activities in the peace movement : (Women strike for peace and certain other groups). Hearings before the Committee on Un-American Activities House of Representatives 87th Congress 1962. Second session December 11-13, 1962. - Washington, DC.: The Committee on Un-American Activities, [1963] pp. [2047]-2201.

  47. The Committee on Un-American Activities: The Communist "Peace" Petition Campaign
    / U. S. House of Reprensentives, the Committee on Un-American Activities. 81st Congress. 2nd. Session.
    - Washington, DC.: The Committee on Un-American Activities, 1950. - pp.

  48. Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives Investigation of Un-American Ppropaganda Activities in the United States : Report on the Peace Now Movement, February 17, 1944. - Washington : Government Printing Office, 1944. - pp.

  49. [The Subcommitte to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act]: Communist Infiltration in the Nuclear Test-Ban Movement / Hearings before the Subcommitte to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act. - Washington, DC.: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committe on the Judicary, 1960. - pp.

  50. Comptes rendus stenographiques / Congres international des societes des amis de la paix. Paris, 1878 = Paris, Exposition universelle, 1878. - Paris: Imprimerie nationale. 1880. 2 vols. - 158 pp. FRE.

  51. Concord Naval Weapons Station Train Incident : Hearing before the Investigations Subcommitte of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session, November 18, 1987. - Washington D. C. : G.P.O., 1987. - 213 pp. : ill.

  52. Conference internationale de la paix : Convention pour le reglement pacifique des conflits internationaux. / E. E. F. Descamps. - Haugue? : (s.n.) 1899. - 101 pp. FRE.

  53. Conference of Representatives of National Peace Movements, Prague, December 6-9, 1974.
    - Helsinki : Information Centre of the World Peace Council, 197. - 81 pp.

  54. Conference of Peace, Disarmament, and Anti-War Movements in Europe and North America, Helsinki, Espoo, October 5-7, 1984.
    - Helsinki : Information Centre of the World Peace Council, 1984. - 51 pp. : ill.

  55. Congres de la paix, 1843. - Paris : Imp. de A. Henry, 1843. - 14 pp. FRE.

  56. A Congress of Nations : A Friend of Peace. - Richmond : J. MacFarlan, 1832. - 24 pp.

  57. Congress of the Peoples for Peace Vienna December 12th.- 19th. 1952 /.
    - Vienna : The World council of Peace, 1953. - 1112 pp. : ill. *.

  58. Conscription : A World Survey of Compulsory Military Service and Resistance to it / Devi Prasad ; Tony Smythe (editors). - London : War Resisters' International, 1968. - 166 pp.

  59. Conscription Controversy in Great Britain, 1900-18 / R. J. Q. Adams ; Philip P. Poirier.
    - London : Macmillan, 1987. - 320 pp.

  60. Conscription, Protest and Social Conflict : Life and Death of a Draft Resistance Movement / Michael Useem. [S.L.] Interscience, 1973. - 352. pp. : ill.

  61. Conscientious Objection to Military Service : Report prepared in pursuance of Resolutions 14 (XXXIV) and 1982/30 of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimi-nation and Protection of Minorities / Asbjørn Eide ; Chama Mubanga-Chipoya.
    - New York : United Nations, 1985. - 32 pp.

  62. Constantinscu-Bagdat, E.: Etudes d'histore pacifiste. - Paris : Presses Universitaires, 1924-1928. FRE.

  63. Constitution of the Massachusetts Peace Society.
    - Boston : Massachusetts Peace Society, 1815. - 3 pp.

  64. Contemporary Soviet Propaganda and Disinformation : A conference report.
    - Washington D.C. : United States Department of State, 1987. - xix, 337 pp. (Department of State Publication ; 9536). (USSR, intelligence, opinion polls, mass media, propaganda, disinformation, peace movement).

  65. Cook, Alice H.: Greenham Women Everywhere : Dreams, Ideas and Actions from the Womens' Peace Movement.
    - London : Pluto Press, 1983. pp.

  66. Cook, Earleen H.: The Peace & Nuclear Freeze Movements.
    Vance Biblios, 1984. - 50 pp. (Public Administration Ser.,; P-1470).

  67. Cookson, J. E.: The Friends of Peace : Anti War liberalism in England 1793-1815.
    - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. 330 pp.

  68. Cooper, Sandi E.: Patriotic Pacifism : Waging war on war in Europe 1815-1914.
    - New York : Oxford University Press, 1991. pp.

  69. Cornbisse, Alfred E.: War as Advitised : The four minutes men and America's Crusade 1917-1918.
    - Philidelphia : American Philisophical Society, 1984. - 181 pp. (Memoirs Series ; American Philisophical Society ; 156).

  70. Corneli, Alessandro: L'era del pacifico. - Milano : Il Sole 24 Ore, 1988. - 421 pp. IT.

  71. Cortright, David: Peace : A History of Movements and Ideas.
    - Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 355 pp.
    Paperback (ISBN-13: 9780521670005) ; Hardcover (ISBN-13: 9780521854023)

  72. Cortright, David: Peace Works : The Citizen's Role in Ending the Cold War.
    - Boulder : Westwiew Press, 1993. - 288 pp. *. - ISBN 0-8133-1882-3
    The Author argues, that citizan peace activists played a significant role in ending the Cold War and that Grassroots social movements have the power to shape history).

  73. Coues, Samuel Elliott: War and Christianity : An address before the American Peace Society, on the fourteenth anniversary in Boston, Mass., May 23, 1842. - Boston : American Peace Society, 1842. - 26 pp.

  74. Craig, John Michael: Lucie True Ames Mead : American Publicist for Peace and Internationalism, 1988. - 295 pp. (Ph.D. Dissertation, College of Villiam and Mary).

  75. Craig, John Michael: Lucia Ames Mead (1956-1936) and the American Peace Movement.
    - Lewiston : Edwen Mellen Press, 1990. - 223 pp.

  76. Craipeau, Yvan: Contre vents et marees 1938-1945. - Paris : Savelli, 1977. - 287 pp. FRE.

  77. Cromartie, Michael: Peace Betrayed? : Essays on Pacifism and Politics.
    - Washington, D.C. : Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1989. - pp.

  78. Crozier, Frank P.: Mænd jeg dræbte.
    - Copenhagen : Povl Branner, 1937. - 194 pp. *.

  79. Curle, Adam: The basis of Quaker work for Peace and Service.
    - London : Quaker Peace & Service, 1980. - 20 pp. *. - ISBN 0-901689-14-9

  80. Curti, Eugene Merle: The American Peace Crusade 1815-1860.
    - Durham N. C.: Duke University Press, 1929. - 250 pp. : ill.

  81. Curti, Eugene Merle: Bryan and World Peace.
    - New York : Garland, 1971. - 8 pp. (The Garland Library of War and Peace).

  82. Curti, Eugene Merle: Curti, Merle: The learned blacksmith : The Letters and Journals of Elihu Burritt. (1937).

  83. Curti, Eugene Merle: Peace or War : The American Struggle 1630-1936.
    - New York, Octagon Books, 1929 ; 19365 ; 1965. - viii, 374 pp. : ill. *. (Reprinted - New York, Garland. 1972).

  84. Czempiel, Ernst-Otto: Kirche und Entspannungspolitik.
    - Frankfurt am Main.: Pax Christi, Deutsches Sekretariat, 1982. - 66 pp. GER. (Arbeitspapier / Pax Christi, Internationale Katholische Friedensbewegung ; 1).

  85. Danilo Dolci : I kamp för en bättre wärld / editor: Börge Sidback.
    - Vasa : Dolci-forbundet i Finland, 1975. - 77 + 32 pp. * SWE.

  86. Dalgaard, Hans: Zammenhof : Esperantos skaber.
    - Copenhagen ; Hellerup : Aug. Olsens Boghandel, 1948. - 23 pp. : ill.
    ; Faglig læsning ; 199 ; Tidsskrift for Skole og Hjem vol. 20:9) * DAN.

  87. Dali Lama : Medmennesket for fred / Tenzin Gyatso the 14th. Dali Lama.
    - Oslo : Lansen, 1988. - 64 pp. NOR.

  88. Dalton, Dennis: Mahatma Gandhi : Nonviolent Power in action.
    - New York : Columbia University Press, 1993. - 279 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-231-08118-9

  89. Dansk fredsbevægelses vej : Et debatoplæg.
    - Egtved : Fredsbevægelsens forlag, 1983. - 63 pp. * DAN.
    (Samarbejdskommiteen for fred og sikkerhed ; NTA.).

  90. Dansk Fredskonference 29.-30. maj 1954 i Odense : Hovedindlæg og resolutioner / .
    - Odense : Dansk Fredskonferences Arbejdsudvalg, [1954]. - 40 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  91. Dansk Fredskonference 1952-1962.
    - Copenhagen : Dansk Fredskonference, [1962]. - 29 pp. : ill. DAN.

  92. Dansk modstand mod Vesttysklands optagelse i NATO : En undersøgelse af NATO-modstand i Danmark 1950-1955.
    / Daniel Durst-Andersen ; Morten Hatorp. - Roskilde: RUC, Institut for kultur og identitet, 2007. - 115 pp. ': DAN.
    (Afhandlingen undersøger baggrunden for den danske modstand mod Vesttysklands genoprustning og optagelse i NATO. Fokus er på de relevante partier og fredsbevægelser, der kæmpede imod beslutningen).

  93. Danske læger mod Kernevåben.
    - Copenhagen : Danske læger mod Kernevåben, 1986. - 6 pp. * DAN.

  94. Darby, William Evans: International Arbitraiton : International Tribunals : A Collection of the various schemes which have been propounded, and of instances since 1815.
    - London : The Society for the Promotion of Pernament and Universal Peace, London, 1899. - 304 pp

  95. Darby, William Evans: The Peace Conference at the Hague : Its history, work, and results.
    - London : The Society for the Promotion of Pernament and Universal Peace, London, 1899. - 71 pp.

  96. Davis, Allen F.: American Heroine : The life and legend of Jane Addams.
    - New York : (s.n.). 1973. - xx, 399 pp. : ill.

  97. Davis, Hayne: Among the world's peacemakers : An epitome of the Interparliamentary union; with sketches of eminent members of this international house of representatives and of progressive people who are promoting the plan for permanent peace which this union of lawmakers has espoused.
    - New York : The Progressive publishing co., 1907. - 400 pp. : ill.

  98. Dawes, Thomas: An address to the Massachusetts Peace Society.
    - Boston : Printed by: J. T. Buckingham, 1818. pp.

  99. Day of protest, night of violence, the Century City peace march : A report.
    - Los Angeles : Sawyer Press, 1967. - 46 pp. : ill. (American Civil Liberties Union. Southern California Branch).

  100. Day, Samuel H.: Crossing the Line : From Editor to Activist to Immanate.
    - Baltimore : Forthcamp, 1990. - 278 pp. : ill.

  101. DeBenedetti, Charles: (Editor): Peace Heros in Twentieth-Centry America.
    - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1986. - pp.

  102. DeBenedetti, Charles: the Origiens of Modern American Peace Movements 1915-1929.
    - Millwood, N.Y.: KTO Press, 1978. xv, 281 pp.

  103. DeBendedetti, Charles: the Peace Reform in American History.
    - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1980. - 245 pp.

  104. A Declaration of the Society of People (Commonly Called Shakers) Shewing Their Reason for Refusing to Aid or Abet the Cause of War and Bloodshed, by Bearing Arms, Paying Fines, Hiring Substitutes, or Rendering Any Equivalant for Military Service.
    - Albany : Printed by E. & E. Hosford, 1815. - 20 pp.

  105. Defence and Dissent in Contemporary France / Jolyon Howorth ; Patricia Chilton.
    - London : Croom Helm, 1984. - pp.

  106. Degen, Marie L.: The History of the Womens' Peace Party. 1939. pp.
    Reprinted - Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 1974. - 268 pp.
    (John Hopkins Studies in History and Political Science ; 57 ; 3).

  107. Degerman, Allan: Den moderna Fredsrörelsen.
    - Stockholm : Tiden, 1945. - 64 pp. SWE.

  108. Dennis, Peter: Decision by Defaut : Peacetime Conscription and British Defence 1919-1939.
    - London : Routhledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. - 256 pp.

  109. Desai, Mahadev: With Gandhiji in Ceylon [November 1927] : A Journal of the Official Tour with Autorised Version of all important Speeches. - Triplicane, Madras: S. Ganesan, 1928. - 159 pp. : Ill. *.

  110. Deutsch-Polnischer Dialog im Rahmen der Friedensbewegung <02, 1986, Berlin, West>: Zweiter Deutsch-Polnischer Dialog im Rahmen der Friedensbewegung : 28. August - 2. September 1986, Berlin (West) / publisher: Arbeitskreis Europ. Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit im Stndigen Arbeitsaus-schuss für Frieden und Internat. Verstän-digung, Berlin (West)]. - Berlin : Ed. Neue Wege, 1987. - 26 pp. GER. (Verffent-lichungen / Arbeitskreis Europische Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit Berlin (West) ; 4).

  111. Deutsche Fragen-Europäische Antworten / published by: Ulrich Albrecht …[et al.]
    - Berlin : Europäische Perspektiven, 1983. - 222 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des AK atomwaffenfreies Europa e.V. ; 2).

  112. Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft : Im kampf für Völkenverständigung, Abrüstnung und Frieden / editor: Helmut Vogel …[et al.] - Köln : Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte Kriegsdienstgegner, 1977. - 78 pp. : ill. * GER. (WRI).

  113. Development of the League of Nations Idea : Documents and Correspondance of Theodore Marburg / editor: John H. Latané.
    - New York : The Macmillian Company, 1932. - 886 pp. : ill. * (The League to Enforce Peace).

  114. Dietzfelbinger, Eckart: Die westdeutsche Friedensbewegung 1948 bis 1955 : Die Protestaktionen gegen die Remilitarisierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Köln : Pahl-Rugenstein, 1984. - 449 pp. : ill. GER. (Pahl-Rugenstein Hochschulschriften. Gesellschafts- und Naturwissenschaften ; 168).

  115. Disinformation for fred : Historien om Verdensfredsrådet - en sovjetisk facade. - Ålborg : D.I.K.F., 1986. - 50 pp. * DAN.

  116. Ditzel, Meta N.: Den offentlige mening og fredsbevægelsen.
    - Viborg : Own publishing, 1983. - 91 pp. * DAN.

  117. Documents on the peace movement in Hungary / editor: Hugh Baldwin.
    - London : END Hungary Working Group, 1986. - 53 pp. : ill.

  118. Dodge, David Low: War Inconsistent with the Religion of Jesus Christ. / by David Low Dodge with an Introduction by Edwin D. Mead / Published for the International Union - Boston : Ginn & Company, 1905. - 82 pp.

  119. Dove, Richard: He was a German : A Biography of Ernst Toller.
    - London : 306 pp. : ill. - ISBN 1-870352-85-8

  120. Doves and Diplomats : Foreign offices and the Peace Movements in Europe and America in the twentieth centry / editor: Solomon Wank. - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978. - 303. pp. (Contributions in Political Science ; 4).

  121. Dragsdal, Jørgen: Gensyn med Den kolde Krig : Dansk sikkerhedsdebat fra Ronald Reagan og raketterne til kommunismens sammenbrud og KGBs fallit. Jørgen Dragsdals journalistik 1977-1990 redigeret og med indledning af David Jens Adler og Troels Toftkjær / Jørgen Dragsdal ; editors: David Jens Adler ; Troels Toftkjær. - København : Eirene, 1992. - 141 pp. : ill. *. DAN. - ISBN 87-88315-16-9

  122. Drie generationen speken over Bart de Ligt (1883-1938) als vredesaktivist, christensocialist, anarchist, vrijdenker en humanist / editor: Herman Noordegraaf ; Wim Robben. - Boxtel : The Bart de Ligt Fonds, 1988. - 285 pp. * NL.

  123. Driver, Christopher: The Disarmers : A Study in Protest.
    - London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1964. 256 pp.

  124. Dräcker, Helmut F.: Warum die Friedensbewegung scheitern musste : Gedanken zu den deutschamerikanischen Beziehungen, 1980-1984. - Frankfurt am Main : Sendler, 1985. - 150 pp. GER.

  125. Du Bois, W. E. B.: Autobiography of W.E.B Du Bois : A Soliloquy on Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century. - New York : Internatonal Publishers, 1968. - 448 pp. *

  126. Du Bois, W. E. B.: In Battle for Peace.
    - New York: Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited, 1976 ; 1987. 198 s. - ISBN 0-527-25265-4

  127. Ducommun, Elie: Precis historique du mouvement en faveur de la paix.
    - Berne : Imprimerie graphique H. Boneff, 1899. - 31 pp. FRE. *.

  128. Dunant, Henri: Un souveneir de Soférino.
    - Paris : (s.n.) 1862. - pp. FRE.
    (Also translated into Danish:
    Erindringer fra Solferino.
    - Copenhagen : Dansk Røde Kors ; Afdelingen for København og omegn, 1936. - 125 pp. * (Red Cross)).

  129. Dungen, Peter van den : Foundations of Peace Research.
    - London ; Bradford : Housmans ; School of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, 1980. - 54 pp. * (Peace studies series ; 1). (Peace research, history).

  130. Dungen, Peter van den: Industrial society and the end of war : The history of an idea.
    - London : University of London. King's college, 1975. - 318 pp. (Thesis).

  131. Durand, Ferdinand: Des tendeances pacifiques de la societe europeene et du role des armees dans l'avenir. 2. edition. - Paris : Capelle, 1845. - 2 p.l., [vii]-xxxii, 428 pp. FRE.

  132. Dust, Philip Clarence: Three renaissance pacifists : Essays in the theories of Erasmus, More and Vives.
    - New York : P. Lang, 1987. - 229 pp. (American university studies. Series IX. Philosophy ; 23).
    (Erasmus Roterodamus, Thomas More and Juan Luis Vives).

  133. Dymond, Jonathan : An Inquiry Into the Accordancy of War With the Principles of Christianity and an Examination of the Philosophical Reasoning by Which it is Defended with Observations on some of the Causes of War and on some of its Effects : “Contempt, prior to examination, however comfortable to the mind which entertains it, or however natural to great parts, is extremely dangerous; and more apt than almost any other disposition, to produce erroneous judgments both of persons and opinions.” – Paley - New York: Stereotyped for and Printed by Order of the Trustees of the Residuary Estate of Lindley Murray. William Wood & Co., 61 Walker Street. 1858 ; 1869. - 70 pp.

  134. Eagan, Eileen: Class, Culture, and the Classroom : The Student Peace Movement of the 1930s.
    - Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982. - xi, 319 pp. : ill.

  135. Eberling, Matthias: Mahatma Gandhi : Lebe, Werk, Wirkung.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp BasisBiographien. 2006. - 148 pp. : ill. GER. *. - ISBN 3-518-18219-6

  136. Ebert, Theodor: Ziviler Ungehorsam : Von der APO zur Friedensbewegung.
    - Waldkirch : Waldkircher Verlagsgesellschaft. 1984. - 275 pp. : ill. GER.

  137. The Editor Gandhi and lndian Opinion : Seminar Papers / Published by: Dr. Varsha Das ; Published with the assistance af The Ford Foundation.
    - New Delhi : National Gandhi Museum, 2007. - 131 pp : ill. - ISBN: 81-87458-14-3

  138. Egerton, George W.: Great Britain and the Creation of the League of Nations : Strategy, Policies and International Organization 1914-1919. - Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, 1978. - 273 pp. (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Supplementary volumes).

  139. Eggert, Hans: Millioner af unge kræver: Nej til NATOs raketbeslutning : Pinsestævnerne 1983 og deres centrale begivenhed: fredsmødet for unge fra de socialistiske lande i Potsdam. - Dresden : Zeit im Bild : i samarbejde med centralrådet for Frit tysk ungdomsforbund, 1983. - 40 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  140. Eisenbeiss, Wilfried: Die Bürgerlische Friedensbewegung in Deutschland während des Ersten Weltkrieges : Organisation, Selbstverständnis und politische Praxis 1913/14-1919. - Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 1980. - 445 pp. GER. (Erlander historische Studien ; 5).

  141. Ekbom, Inger: Den kvinliga fredstanken : Fredrika Bremer och andra i kamp för fred.
    - Stockholm : Carlssons, 1991. - 231 pp. : ill. SWE.

  142. Elkinton, Joseph: the Doukhobors : their history in Russia : their migration to Canada : illustrated with numerous photographs of the doukhobors and their surroundings, with portraits and maps.
    - Philadephia : Ferris & Leach, Publishers, 1903. - 336 pp. : ill.

  143. Eller, Cynthia: Conscientious Objectors and the Second world war : Moral and religious arguments in support of Pacifism. - New York : Praeger, 1991. - 218 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-275-93805-0

  144. Endicott, Stephen Lyon: James G. Endicott : Rebel out of China.
    - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1980. - 421 pp.

  145. Engbjerg, Peppe: Sovjet och fredsrörelsen : Myt och verklighet.
    - Stockholm : Timbro förlag, 1985. - 347 pp. : ill. * SWE. - ISBN 91-7566-079-2

  146. Engelhardt, Victor: Weltbürgertum und Friedensbewegung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.
    - Berlin : (s.n.) 1930. pp. GER.

  147. Erasmus, Desiderius: Querela Pacis.
    Translated into English:
    The Complaint of Peace.
    - London : [S.L.] 1795. 2 vols. - iii, 150 + xxi [5] 572 pp.
    Also translated by Thomas Paynell.
    - New York : Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1946.

  148. Erasmus, Desiderius: Moriae Encomium or the Praise of Folly.
    - Paris : Unknown publisher, 1509. - 174 pp.
    Translated by Harry Carter.
    - New York : Heritage Press, 1940.

  149. Erikson, Erik Homburger: Gandhi´s thruth : On the origiens of militant nonviolence.
    - New York : Norton, 1993. - 474 pp. - ISBN 0-393-31034-5

  150. Ersjova, E.N. Dvisjenije sa mir, protiv militarisma i vojny v SSjA (1965-1978 gg.)
    - Moscow : bNauka, 1980. - 221 pp. RUS. (USA, Vietnam, peace movement, domestic politics, disarmament, arms race, militarism, Asia, Southeast Asia, conscription)

  151. Espersen, Mogens: Fredsbevægelsen : folkelig bevægelse eller sovjetisk redskab?
    - Copenhagen : Schultz, 1983. - 44 pp. * DAN. (Udenrigspolitisk Selskab, Udenrigspolitiske skrifter, serie 16 ; 2)

  152. Eshleman, Henry Frank: Historic background and annals of the Swiss and German pioneer settlers of southeastern Pennsylvania, and of their remote ancestors, from the middle of the dark ages, down to the time of the revolutionary war; an authentic history, from original sources ... with particular reference to the German-Swiss Mennonites or Anabaptists, the Amish and other nonresistant sects (1917).

  153. Eulogy on William Ladd, late president of the American Peace Society. / editor George Cone Beckwith.
    - Boston : Whipple & Damrell ; American Peace Society, 1841. - pp.

  154. European Peace Movements and the Future of the Western Alliance / editor: Walter Laqueur ; Robert Hunter.
    - New Brunswick : Transaction Books, 1988. - xii, 450 pp.

  155. Evans, Frederick Willliam: Shaker-russian Correspondance, between Count Leo Tolstoi[!] and Elder F. W. Evans.
    - Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.: , 1891. - 7 pp.

  156. Evans, Richard J.: Comrades and sisters : Feminism, Socialism and Pacifism in Europe, 1870-1945.
    - Brighton : Wheatsheaf, 1987. - 203 pp.

  157. Everts, Philip: Nedrustningskampagne? Sådan!
    - Copenhagen : Forsoningsforbundet, 1980. - 32 pp. * DAN. (END).
    (Translation of: Reviving Unilateralism : Report on a Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the Netherlands, in Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 11 (1980), pp. 40-56.)

  158. Ewiger Friede? : Ducomente einer deutschen Diskussion um 1800 / Anita Dietze ; Walter Dietze (editors).
    - Leipzig : Kiepenheuer, 1989. - 598 pp. GER.

  159. Exiles in Virginia, with observaitons on the conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revoluitonary War, comprising the official papers of the goverment to that period. - Philadelphia : Published for the Subscribers, 1848. - 302 pp. *.

  160. Exterminism and Cold War / Edward Palmer Thompson … [et al.]
    - London : Verso Editions ; New Left Review, 1982. - 358 pp. (Nuclear war, disarmament, nuclear weapons, arms race, peace movement, BRD, USA, USSR, cold war). (See also no. ).

  161. Faber, Mient Jan: Min x min =; plus : Dagboekaantekeningen.
    - Weesp : De Haan, 1985. - 285 pp. NL.

  162. "Farbige weithin sichtbare Signalzeiche" : der Briefwechsel zwischen Carl von Ossietzky und Kurt Tucholsky aus dem Jahr 1932.
    - Berlin : Akademie der Künste, 1985. - 63 pp. : ill. GER. (Anmerkungen zur Zeit ; 25).

  163. Farmer, James: Lay Bare the Heart : An Autobiography of the Civil Rights Movement. - New York : New American Library, 198? - pp.

  164. Farrokh, Mohammad: La pensée et l' action d' Edmond Privat. - Bern : Peter Lang, 1991. - . pp. FRE.

  165. Faßbinder, Klara-Marie: Bertha von Suttner und ihre Töchter : Ein Versuch : Das Leben der Friedensnobelpreisträgerin und ihr große Zeil : Die Frauenbewegung in Deutschland und der Friedensgedanke : Die friedensarbeit der deutschen Frau in unser Zeit.
    - Gelsenkirchen : Westdeutsche Frauenfriedensbewegung, [1964?]. - 55 pp. : ill. * GER.

  166. Faszination der Gewalt : Politische Strategie und Alltagserfahrung / editor: Reiner Steinweg.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 1983. - 388 pp. : ill. GER. (Friedensanalysen ; 17).

  167. FBI and the American Friends Service Committee

  168. FBI and Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam

  169. The FBI and the Berrigans : The Making of a Conspiracy / J. Nelson ; R. J. Ostrow.
    - New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1972. pp.

  170. Fedoseev, Petr Nikolaevich: Sovremennoe antivoennoe dvizhenie.
    - Moscow : Glav. red. izd. dlia zarubezhnykh stran izd-va "Nauka", 1987. - 126 pp. RUS.

  171. Felder, David W.: How to work for peace?
    - Tallahassee, Florida : A&M University Press, 1991. - 195 pp. : ill. - ISBN 0-8130-1071-3

  172. Ferguson, Marilyn: Conflict Resoluiton and the Peace Movement : What can we learn from Molesworth?
    - London : Quaker Peace and Service, 19??. - 15 pp. : ill. *.

  173. Les femmes et la coexistenee pacifiqueLes femmes et la coexistenee pacifique : Pour la paix et le progres de l'humanite : Pour le bonheur des femmes et des enfants. / Edite par la Federation Democratique Internationale des Femmes. - Berlin : Federation Democratique Internationale des Femmes, [1958?] - 80 pp. : ill. FRE. *.

  174. Field, G. C.: Pacifism and Conscentious Objection.
    - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1945. pp.

  175. Fifty peace educators : Selfpotraits in passing from twenty-two countries / Åke Bjerstedt (editor). - Lund ; Malmö : University of Lund, Department of
    Educational and Psycological Research ; School of Education, 1933. - 82 pp.

  176. Finlands fredsfördrag.
    - Helsinki : Suomi-Neuvostoliitto-Seura, 1947. - 32 pp. SWE.
    (Suomi-Neuvostoliitto-Seura. Broschyr ; 1).

  177. Finn, James: Pacifism and Politics : Some Passionate Views on War and Nonviolence. - New York : Random House, 1967. - 528 pp.

  178. Finnish Peace Making / editor: Kimmo Kilunen … [et al.] - Helsinki : Peace Union of Finland, 1987. - 380 pp. *.

  179. Finsland, Astrid: Bjørnstjerne og fredssaken inntil 1900. [S.L.] (s.n.) 1948. - 169 pp. NOR.

  180. First Annual report of the Committee of the Society for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace.
    - London : Printed by Bensley and sons, 1817 ff. - 16 pp. *.
    [London Peace Society].

  181. Fischer, Louis: The Life of Mahatma Gandhi.
    - London : Cape, 1951. - 593 pp. : ill. *.
    (Reprinted - New York : Harper & Row. 1983. 558 pp. : ill. *.
    (Also translated into German: Das Leben des Mahatma Gandhi.
    - München : (s.n.) 1951. - pp.

  182. Fitzpatrick, Catherine A.: Moscow's independent Peace Movement.
    - New York : U.S. Helsinki Watch Committee, 1982. - 71 pp.

  183. Fleck, Christian: Der Fall Brandweiner : Universität im Kalten Krieg.
    - Wien : Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, 1987. - 155 pp. : ill. GER.

  184. Flucht aus der Freiheit? : Zur Frage des Friedens in einer friedlosen Welt / im Auftrag des Theologischen Konvents der Konferenz Bekennender Gemeinschaften in der EKiD / publisher Klaus Motschmann - Bad Neustadt : D. Pfaehler, 1982. - 140 pp. GER.

  185. Flugblätter und Dokumente der Westberliner Friedensbewegung, 1980-1985 / Fritz Teppich.
    - Berlin : Verlag Das Europäische Buch, 1985. - 383 pp. : ill. GER.

  186. Fogelström, Per Anders: Kampen för fred : Berättelsen om en ukänd folkrörelse. - Stockholm : Bonniers, 1971 ; 1983. - 316 pp. : ill. * SWE. (Swedish peace work, Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen).

  187. Fontanelli, Guiseppe: Danilo Dolci. - Firenze : Nuova italia, 1984. - 180 pp. IT.

  188. Foot, Peter: The protesters.
    - Aberdeen : Centre for Defence Studies, 1983. - 51 pp. (Centre Piece ; 4). (UK, defence policy, nuclear weapons, strategy, opinion polls, peace movement, political movements).

  189. For Europas Børn.
    - Copenhagen : Fredsvennerens Hjælpearbejde, 1945. - 4 pp. : ill. * DAN.

  190. For rettfærdig og varig fred : Beretning fra den norske komite. - Kristiania [Oslo] : Norske kvinders Haag-komite, 1915. - 42 pp. : ill. * NOR. (Reprinted 1995). (Norwegian WILFPF).

  191. For sammen at sikre freden! : Nordisk Fredskonference, Aalborg 1981 / editors: Ditte Scharnberg ; Claus Ingemann Jørgensen. - Aalborg: Nordisk Fredskonference, sekretariatet, 1981. - 63 pp : ill. * DAN.

  192. Forsoningsforbundet 1913 - 1988 : Personlige indtryk og vurderinger / Jim Forest …[et al.]
    - Brønshøj : Forsoningsforbundet, 1988. - 48 s. : ill. * DAN

  193. Foster, Catherine: Women for all Seasons : The Story of the Womens' International League for Peace and Freedom.
    - Athens, Geogia ; London : The University of Geogia Press, 1989. - 230 pp. : ill. *.

  194. Fox Mason, Griselda: Sleigh Ride to Russia : An account of the Quaker Mission to St. Petersburg by Robert Charleton, Henry Pease and Joseph Sturge in 1854 to present an adress to Czar Nicholas from Meeting for Sufferings to try to avert the outbreak of the Crimean War - York : William Sessions, 1985. - 120 pp. : ill. *. - ISBN 0-900657-99-5

  195. Fra slagmarkens idyl : 14 interviews med bosniske flygtninge om deres "længerevarende ophold" i Serbien, Kroatien og andre tredielande og en kritisk gennemgang af beslutningsgrundlaget for Folketingets indførelse af visumtvang for flygtninge fra Bosnien-Hercegovina / . - Copenhagen : Komiteen Flygtninge Under Jorden, 1993.
    - 137 pp. *. DAN. (About COs and deserters from the former republic of Yogoslavis who in Denmark are seeking political asylum and the debate in the Danish parlament over this question).

  196. Francis, Rosemary: Women in protest movements :
    the Women's Peace Army and the Save Our Sons Movement.
    - Melbourne : The University of Melbourne, 1984 - pp

  197. Franz Jägerstätter : An international symbol of Conscience.
    - Brussels : Pax Christi International, 1991. - 32 pp.

  198. Freer, George: Mina besök hos grefve Leo Tolstoy.
    - Stockholm : (s.n.) 1901. pp. * SWE.

  199. Freer, George: Små händelser i mit lif. - Helsinki : (s.n.). 1921. pp. SWE.

  200. Eine Frau ist eine Frau ist eine Frau- : Autorinnen über Autorinnen / collected by: Elfriede Gerstl.
    - Wien : Promedia, 1985. - 198 pp. : ill. GER.

  201. Frauen für den Frieden : Analysen, Dokumente und Aktionen aus der Friedens-bewegung / Eva Quistorp (publisher).
    - Bensheim : päd.-extra-Buchverlag, 1982. - 199 pp. : ill. GER. (Extra-Buch ; 1).

  202. Frauen unterwegs : Texte zur deutschen Frauenfrage 1791-1945 / publishers: Kirsten Gomard ; Margrete Fredsgaard ; Kirsten Molly.
    - Copenhagen : Gjellerup, 1979. - 141 pp. : ill. GER.

  203. Fred i gang : Gang i fred : 16 interviews med unge fredsaktivister i Nej til Atomvåben / editor: Torben Jurlander … [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : NtA. 1987. 110 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Nej til Atomvåbens pjeceserie ; 7). (Danish END).

  204. Fred i vår tid? : 7 nobelprisvinnere skriver om fredsproblemet.
    - Oslo : H. Aschehoug, 1978. - 115 pp. NOR. (Kildebøkene).

  205. Fred ved Ret : En populær Studievejledning i Freds- og Folkeretsspørgsmaal.
    - Odense : Normann ; Ungdommens Fredsudvalg, 1943. - 118 pp. * DAN.
    (This might be the only publication on the history of the peace movements published in the Fascist occupies countries during World War Two.)
    Indholdsfortegnelse / TOC
    Krigen i Historien. Af Forlagssekretær, cand. mag. Erik Rasmussen
    Fredsidéen gennem Tiderne. Af Sognepræst G. Sparring-Petersen
    Folkeretten. Af Højesteretsdommer Jesper Simonsen
    Krig og Kristendom. Af Sognepræst G. Sparring-Petersen
    Krig og Moral. Af mag. art. Else Zeuthen
    Bestræbelser for at læge Krigens Saar. Af Henni Forchhammer
    Ikke Vold. Af Forfatteren Axel Pille
    Kolonier, Raastoffer m. m. Af Adjunkt Hagbard Jonassen
    De to Verdenskrige. Af cand. mag. Helge Larsen
    Folkenes Forbund. Af Højesteretsdommer Jesper Simonsen
    Den nordiske Fredsbevægelse. Af Overlærer Ingvard Nielsen
    Den danske Fredsbevægelse. Af Overlærer Ingvard Nielsen
    Skolen og Fredssagen. Af Overlærer Vald. Sørensen
    Store Personligheder i Fredssagens Tjeneste. Af Statskonsulent F. C. Kaalund-Jørgensen
    [William Gladstone and Nobel peace prize winners to 1938.]
    Krig og Fred i Digtningen. Af Kommunelærer Svend Sørensen
    Værnepligtens Udvikling Militærnægtelse »Aldrig mere Krig«. Af Højskolelærer H. P. Hansen
    Dansk militærpolitisk Udvikling. Af Dr. phil. Fridlev Skrubbeltrang

  206. Fred kräver rättvisa : Om icke-voldskamp i tredje världen / Devi Prasad … [et al.]
    - Stockholm : Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen, 1984. - 49 pp. : ill. * SWE.

  207. Fred & Frihet : IKFF i Rogaland - 40 år / editors Johanne Skog Gripsrud … [et al.]
    - Stavanger ; Sandnes : Internasjonal Kvinneliga for Fred og Frihet, 1988. - 115 + 40 s. : ill. *. NOR.

  208. Fredsaktioner netop nu! : Verdensfredsdagen 1984 i DDR. - Berlin : DDRs Fredsråd, 1984. - 61 pp : ill. * DAN.

  209. Fredens Martyrer : Engelske Militærnægtere under den nuværende Krig.
    - Copenhagen : J. Frimodts Boghandel, 1917. - 44 pp. * DAN. (Translated by: Emil Dehn. Article from "The Friend" - London, 1917. vol. lvii).

  210. Fredens mænd : Om militærnægterbevægelsen 1965-82.
    - Copenhagen : Militær- og Nægterforeningen : Foreningen af Socialistiske Antimilitarister, 1982. - 20 pp. : ill. * DAN.
    (Offprint of Militærnægtervilkår).

  211. Fredens spioner : Efterretningstjenestens krig mod fredsbevægelsen / Jesper Hjorth ; Simon Hansen.
    - Egtved : Fredsbevægelsens forlag, 1983. - 116 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Tryk for fred ; 4).

  212. Fredriksson, Gunnar: Bertrand Russell : En intellektuell i politiken.
    - Stockholm : Alba, 1984. - 267 pp. : ill. * SWE. - ISBN 91-7458-574-6

  213. Fredsarbejde : Hvor står vi i dag? / editors: Peter Hartoft-Nielsen … [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : NtA, 1984. - 36 pp. * DAN. (Danish END).

  214. Fredsbevægelsen i DDR : Grundlæggelse og traditioner, initiativer og aktioner, mål og opgaver. - Berlin : Panorama ; GDR Peace council. 1986. 48 pp. : ill. * DEN.
    (Also published in English:
    The Peace Movement in the GDR : Background and Traditions, Initatives and Efforts, Purposes and Objectives. - Berlin : Panorama ; GDR Peace council. 1986. 48 pp. : ill. ).

  215. Fredsfonden.
    - Copenhagen : Fredsfondens Vennekreds. 1986. 36 pp. : ill. * DEN.
    (The Danish Peace Foundation).

  216. Fredsinvasionen : Stemningsbilleder fra en fredsmarch i Mellemamerika / editors: Hanne Selns ; Connie W. Aagaard.
    - Copenhagen : Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke. 1986. - 95 pp : ill. * DAN.

  217. Fredskontoret 5 År.
    - Oslo : Fredskontoret, 1968. - 9 pp. : ill. * NOR. (The Peace Office, Oslo).

  218. Fredspolitisk Folkeparti : Program og vedtægter.
    - Herning : Fredspolitisk Folkeparti, [1964]. - 12 pp. * DAN. (CND).

  219. Fredspædagogisk Værksted : En introduktion.
    - Skive : Fredspædagogisk værksted, 1986. - 11 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Fredspædagogisk væksteds småskrifter ; 1).

  220. En fredsrapport : DDR i det internationale fredsår. - Dresden : Zeit im Bild, 1986. - 73 pp. *. DAN.

  221. Fredsstemmer fra Østeuropa : Indlæg i en dialog / editors: Peter Hartoft-Nielsen … [et al.]
    - Copenhagen : NtA, 1985. - 103 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Nej til Atomvåbens pjeceserie ; 4). (Peace work in Eastern Europe).

  222. Det "Fredssyge Danmark" : 100 Års dansk Fredsarbejde.
    - Copenhagen : Komm.S. Historie, Copenhagen, 1982. - 160 pp. : ill. * DAN. (Danish peace work).

  223. Freedom at Midnight / Larry Collins ; Dominique Lapierre.
    - London : Panther, c 1975 ; 1982 ; 1983 ; 1984. 595 pp. : ill. * (Gandhi biography).

  224. Frei, Bruno: Carl v. Ossietzky : Eine politische Biographie.
    - Berlin : Arsenal, 1966 ; 1978. - 335 ; 367 pp. : ill. GER. (Beilage : Die Weltbühne, Sonder-Ausgabe).

  225. French, Paul Comly: We won't murder : Being the story of men who followed their concientious scruples and helped give life to democracy.
    - New York : (s.n.) 1940. pp. (Reprinted 1972).

  226. Fried, Alfred Hermann: Bertha von Suttner. - : , 1908. - pp. GER.

  227. Fried, Alfred Hermann: Handbuch der Friedensbewegung.
    - Berlin : Oesterreichischen Friedensgesellschaft, 1905. 492 pp. * GER.
    (Reprint: - Berlin …[etc]. Verlag der "Friedens Warte" 1911-1913).
    (Reprinted 1972. - New York : Garland Publishing).
    Vol. 1: Grundlagen, Inhalt und Ziele der Friedensbewegung.
    Vol. 2: Geschiche, Umfang und Organisation der Friedensbewegung.
    (Die Friedensbewegung und ihre Organe pp. 263-309). (Directory).
    (Wer ist's des pazifismus? pp. 311-422). (Biographies).
    (Bibliografi pp. 423-462). (Including magazines and books.
    The main work on the liberal international peace movement)).

  228. Fried, Alfred Hermann: Die moderne Friedensbewegung.
    B. G. Teubner, 1907. - 123 pp. GER.

  229. Fried, Alfred Hermann: Probleme der friedenstechnik.
    - Leipzig : Verlag Naturwissenschaften g.m.b.h., 1918. - 53 pp. GER.

  230. Friede, Friedensidee, Friedensbewegungen in Österreich : Dokumentationsmaterial der vom 2. April bis 3. Mai 1986 von der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek im Foyer zum Hauptlesesaal veranstalteten Ausstellung / Zusstellung der Ausstellung und Gestaltung der Dokumentation: Elisa-beth Zeilinger. - Wien : Österr. Nationalbi-bliothek, 1986. - 111 pp. : ill. GER. (Sonderausstellung / Österreichische Nationalbibliothek ; 1986,3).

  231. Frieden in Deutschland : Die Friedensbewegung : Wie sie wurde, was sie ist, was sie werden kann / Hans A. Pestalozzi ; Ralf Schlegel ; Adolf Bachmann (publisher).- München : Goldmann, 1982. - 375 pp. GER. (Goldmann Sachbuch ; 11341).

  232. Frieden in der Stadt : Eine Dokumentation der Stadt Schwerte zu den Ergebnissen der Tagung "Stadt, Kultur, Frieden" im Rahmen des Projektes "Kultur 90" / edition Dietmar Hubner. - Essen : Klartext Verlag, 1988. - 224 pp. (Schwerte (Germany) Conference: Tagung "Stadt, Kultur, Frieden" (1987 : Schwerte, Germany)).

  233. Frieden, je naher man hinschaut desto fremder schaut es zurück : zur Kritik einer deutschen Friedensbewegung / Initiative Sozialistisches Forum Freiburg.- Freiburg i. Br. : Ca-Ira-Verlag, 1984. - 289 pp. : ill. GER.

  234. Frieden, paix, peace / publisher: Dirk Hoerder ; Margit Mayer.
    - Berlin : Argument-Verlag, 1984. - 163 pp. * GER. (Argument-Sonderband ; AS122).

  235. Frieden und Freiheit durch einseitige Abrüstung - bei uns anfangen! : Diskussionsbeitärge zum Ratschlag der Friedensbewegung 1985. - Bonn : Die Grünen, 1985. - 40 pp. : ill. GER.

  236. Die Friedensbewegung : Ein Gesprach / Kurt E. Becker ; Peter Popitz ; Hans-Peter Schreiner.
    - Landau/Pfalz : Pfalzische Verlagsanstalt, 1982. - 68 pp. GER.

  237. Die Friedensbewegung : Eine Handbuch der Weltfriedensströmungen der Gegenwart / Walter Fabian, Kurt Lenz (publishers). Reprint des 1922 in Berlin erschienenen Handbuchs. - Köln : Bund-Verlag, 1985. - 336 pp. GER. (Peace movement, history, theory, religion, political ideas, economy, ethics, disarmament, international law, UK, France, BRD, DDR, Switzerland, Netherlands, Nordic countries, USSR, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Egypt, Iran, India, China, Japan, USA, Latin America, Central America, Poland, Hungary, Australia).

  238. Die Friedensbewegung der 80er Jahre und die Sicherheitspolitik der Schweiz / S. Küchler.
    - Stauenfeldt: Schweizerische Offiziergesellschaft. 1985. pp. GER. (Beilage zur "Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Militärzeitschrift" ASMZ. 1985 ; 1).

  239. Friedensbewegung in der DDR : Texte 1978-1982 / publisher: Wolfgang Büscher ; Peter Wensierski ; Klaus Wolschner.
    - Hattingen: Scandica. 1982. - 329 pp. : ill. GER. (Edition transit ; 2).

  240. Die Friedensbewegung in Deutschland : (1892 - 1933) / Helmut Donat ; Dieter Riesenberger.
    - Stuttgart: Klett. nd. pp. GER. (Tempora : Lesehefte Geschichte für die Sekundarstufe I).

  241. Friedensbewegung, Persönliches und Politisches / publisher: Klaus Horn ; Eva Senghaas-Knobloch / im Auftrag des Komitees für Grundrechte und Demokratie. - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983. 348 pp. GER. (Informationen zur Zeit).

  242. Friedensbewegung - Sozialstruktur - Massenbewusstsein / II. Internat. Symposium Soziologie und Frieden. [Verantw. Bearb.: Gerda Voigt. Hrsg.: Akademie der Wissenschaft der DDR, Zentrum für Gesellschaftswiss. Information, Abt. Komplexe Informationsleistungen. Leiter: Irene Ehmke]. - Berlin : Zentrum für Gesellschaftswiss. Information, Abt. Komplexe Informationsleistungen, 1987. - 45 pp. GER. (Initiativinformationen / Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentrum für Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Information ; 1987; 5) ; (Information für die Leitung gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschung).

  243. Friedensbewegung - Sozialstruktur - Massenbewusstsein : Materialien der II. Internationale Symposiums Soziologie und Frieden, Linowsee bei Rheinsberg 1987 / publisher: Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpolitik an der Akademie der Wissschaft der Deutsche Demokratische Republik. Wissschaft / editors: Gudrun Prengel ; Dagmar Schreiber. - Berlin : Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpolitik, 1988. - VI, 326 pp. GER. (Soziologie und Sozialpolitik : Symposien und Kolloquien ; 3).

  244. Friedensbewegung und Arbeiterbewegung : Wolfgang Abendroth im Gesprach / das Gesprach mit Wolfgang Abendroth führten / Frank Deppe … [et al.] - Marburg : Verlag Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, 1982. - 136 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe für Sozialgeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung ; 29).

  245. Friedensbewegung und direkte Demokratie in der Schweiz / Rudolf Epple-Gass.
    - Frankfurt am Main : Haag + Herchen, 1988. - 345 pp. GER.

  246. Friedensbewegung und Menschenrechtsbewegung : Zwei Seiten einer Medaille? : Protokoll eines Seminars der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Unabhängiger Friedensinitiativen Österreichs am 7. August 1982 in Wien / Zdenek Mlynar … [et al.] / publisher: Georg Breuer - Berlin : Verlag und Versandbuchhandlung Europäische Perspektiven, 1982? - 92 pp. : ill. GER.

  247. Friedensbewegung was nun? : Probleme und Perspektiven nach der Raket enstationierung / Christoph Butterwegge … [et al.] (publisher).
    - Hamburg : VSA Verlag, 1983. - 167 pp. GER.

  248. Friedensbewegung zwischen Gewalt und Gewaltfreiheit : Argumente und Erfahrungen.
    - Sensbachtal : Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie, 1983. - 95 pp. : ill. GER.

  249. Friedensbewegungen : Bedigungen und Wirkungen / Gernot Heiss ; Heinrich Lutz.
    - München : R. Oldenburg, 1984. - 207 pp. GER.

  250. Friedensbewegungen : Entwicklung und folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Europa und den USA / Josef Janning … [et al.] - Köln : Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik. 1987. 294 pp. GER. (Bibliothek Wissenschaft und Politik ; 40).

  251. Die Friedensbewegungen : Organisierter Pazifismus in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweitz / Karl Holl ; Helmut Donat.
    - Düsseldorf : ECON Taschenbuch Verlag, 1983. - 416 pp. GER.

  252. Friedensdiskurs aus verschiedener weltanschaulicher Sicht : Materialien von sechs [i.e. acht] wissenschaftlichen Symposien veranstaltet zwischen 1979 und 1986 von Universitatszentrum für Friedens-forschung / Rudolf Weiler (editor). - Wien : Internationales Institut für den Frieden, Wien ; Institute for Peace and Understand-ing, Washington ; Rosemont Universitats-zentrum für Friedensforschung (Vienna, Austria) ;International Institute for Peace. Catholic University of America. Institute for Peace and Understanding. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1988. - 405 pp. GER.

  253. Friedensfrage und Arbeiterbewegung 1917-1918 : Neue Formen der Vermittlung der Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung (Massenmedien) / 23. Linzer Konferenz, 1987 : Linz, 8. bis 12. September 1987 / editor: Brigitte Kepplinger. - Wien : Europaverlag, 1988. - xi, 419 pp. GER. (Internationale Tagung der Historiker der Arbeiterbewegung International Conference of Historians of the Labour Movement. ; Linzer Konferenz (23rd : 1987).

  254. Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung / Anselh Skuhra ; Hannes Wimmer (publishers). - Wien : VWGÖ, 1985. - 325 pp. GER

  255. Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung : Beitrage zur Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis des Friedenskampfes / publishers: Bernd P. Lowe … [et al.]
    - Berlin : Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentrum fur Gesellschaftswissens-chaftliche Information, 1985. - 87 pp. GER. (Informationen für die Leitung der Forschung; Gesellschaftswissenschaften aus dem wissenschaftlichen Leben des Forschungsbereichs ; 42).

  256. "Eine Friedensfrau bleibst du dein Leben Lang…" : Frauen für den Frieden : Geschicte und Engagement / Stella Jegher ; Katherina Rengel. - Basel : Friedensforum Verlag, 1991. - 144 pp. GER. - ISBN 3-905690-03-9

  257. Der Friedens-Nobelpreis : Stiftung und Verleihung : Die Reden der vier deutschen Preistäger Gustav Stresemann, Ludwig Quidde, Carl ovn Ossietzky, Villy Brant / Arnold Hartung. - Berlin : Berlin Verlag, 1971. - 145 pp. GER.

  258. Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels : Reden und Würdigungen / Börsenverin des Deutschen Buchhandels (publishers) - Frankfurt am Main : Verlag der Buchhandeler-Vereinigung, [1967]-1993 Friederich Schorlemmer : Ansprachen aus Anlass der Verleihung. - 1993. - 79 pp. GER

  259. Friedenspädagogische Strategien gegen Gewalt / Magnus Haavelsrud ; Carl von Ossietzky. - Oslo : University of Oslo, 1980. - 34 pp. GER. (Papers /Professoratet i konflikt- og fredsforskning ; 87).

  260. Friedensrat der DDR: Fredsbevægelsen i DDR. - Berlin : DDR's Fredsråd, 1986. - 47 pp, : ill. * DAN.

  261. Friedenssicherungsbewegungen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in Grossbritannien während des Ersten Weltkrieges / Heinrich Timmermann. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 1978. - 264 pp. GER.

  262. Der Friedensvertrag zwheichen Deutschland und Alliierten und Assozirten Mächten nebst den Schlussprotokoll und der Vereinbarung betreffene die militärische Besetzung der Rheinlande / Auswärtingen Amtes [Foreign Office]. - Charlottenburg (Berlin) : Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft für Politik und Geschicte, 1919. - 549 pp. (The main source for the understanding of the conditions of peace after the First World War, and the background for the understanding of the rise of the nazi's myth of reverence). GER., FRE.

  263. Friedensalmanach : West Berlin / publisher: Arbeitsgruppe Friedensalmanach ; Ute van Acken … [et al.]
    - Berlin : DVK, 1982. - 203 pp. : ill. GER. (Arbeitsgruppe Friedensalmanach (Germany)).

  264. Friedenskampf, nun erst recht! : Weltfriedenstag 1984 in der DDR.
    - Berlin : Friedensrat der DDR, 1984. - 61 pp. : ill. GER.

  265. Friedensmanifest. - Bonn: Bundesvorstand der Grünen, 1981. - 19 pp. : ill. GER

  266. Friedor, Karol: Carl von Ossietzky in polnischer Presse der Zwischenkriegszeit.
    - Wroclaw (Polen) : Wroclawski Universytet Wydawnictwo, 1991. - 105 pp. GER.

  267. Friedor, Karol: Carl von Ossietzky und die Friedensbewegung : Die deutschen pazifisten im Kamp gegen Wiederaufrüstung und Kriegsgefahr. - Wroclaw (Polen) : Wroclawski Universytet Wydawnictwo, 1985. - 138 pp. GER. (Acta Universitatis Wratislavienctwo ; 695). (Germanica Wratislaviensia ; 53). (Thesis).

  268. Friends of GandhiFriends of Gandhi : Correspondence of Mahatma Gandhi with Esther Færing (Menon), Anne Marie Petersen and Ellen Hørup / Editors: E.S.Reddy and Holger Terp. - Copenhagen ; Berlin: The Danish Peace Academy ; Gandhi-Informations-Zentrum, 2006. - 426 pp. - ISBN 87-91085-02-0

  269. Friends of Gandhi : Inter-war Scandinavian Responces to the Mahatma / editor Frede Højgaard.
    - Copenhagen : Nordic Institute for Asian Research; University of Copenhagen, c 1991 [published October 2th. 1993]. - 59 pp. : 8 ill. ; 21 cm. ; NIAS Report 1991 ; 7). *. - ISSN 0904-597X
    (The book contains the following articles:
    Baagø, Kaj: Mahatma Gandhi's dear child [Ester Færing nee Menon]. (The article of Baagø is translated from: "Indien - Danmark : Forbindelser og samarbejde" / editor Kika Mølgaard. - Copenhagen : The Indian Embassy, Copenhagen, 1983. - 103 pp *.
    Terp, Holger: Ellen Hørup and Mohanndas Gandhi.
    Lasson, Caroline (Bokken): When I First Met Mahatma Gandhi. (The except is from her "Østens Smil og tårer" pp. 111-118 translated by the editor).

  270. From Below : Independent Peace and Enviromental Movements in Easteren Europe and the USSR, October 1987.
    - New York : U.S. Helsinki Watch Committee, - 263 pp. *.

  271. Fry, Ruth: I Genopbygningens tjeneste : Kvækernes Hjælpearbejde 1914-1923. - Askov : Askov Boghandel, 1945. - 264 pp. * DAN. (Society of Friends).

  272. Frys : Om Frysbevegelsen og atomvåpen i Europa / editor: Magne Barth.
    - Oslo : Pax, 1983. - 148 pp. : ill. * NOR. (Freeze).

  273. Från brutna gevär till Spinnrockar : om War Resisters International / editor: Åse Holmgren.
    - Stockholm : Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen, 1980. - 22 pp. ; Kampen för fred ; 15). *. - ISBN 91-85678-03-1

  274. Fuchs, Georg: Atomenergie, Kernwaffen und die Friedensbewegung.
    - Wien : Gazetta Verlag, 1979. - 125 pp. GER. (Schriftenreihe des Internationalen Institutes für den Frieden).

  275. The Future of the Peace Movements / editor Katsuya Kodama.
    - Lund ; Bromley, Kent : Lund University Press ; Chatwell-Bratt, 1989. - 176 pp. (LUPRI studies ; 2). - ISBN 91-7966-099-1 ; - ISBN 0-86238-240-8 * (Bibliography pp. 143-173. Including books and articles in magazines).

  276. Für Deutschlands Rettung : Die deutsche Freiheitsbewegung zur Zeit der Besetzung Dänemarks 1940-45 im Dokumenten = For Danmarks Frihed : Den tyske Frihedsbevægelse i Tiden under Danmarks Besættelse 1940-45 i Dokumenter - [Copenhagen] : Die deutsche Wiederstandsbewegung in Dänemark. [1945?]. - 25 pp. ; folio * GER. ; DAN. (Inglued documents from a group of German pacifist emigrants, organized in the group Frit Tyskland [Free Germany], who were propagating to the German troops in Denmark during the Second World War. Among the many documents are peace pertitions).

  277. Für eine Welt ohne Krieg : Otto Umfrid und die Anfänge der Friedensbewegung / Christof Mauch ; Tobias Brenner.
    - Schonaich : G.A.Ulmer, 1987. - 174 pp. : ill. GER.

  278. Für einen weltbund der Jugend : Bericht über das Weltjugendtreffen auf der Frieburg Wesse zu einem Weltbund der jugend für den Freden : Eine Überbündische aufspache. - Frankfurt : Verlag Lothar Schmidt, 1928. - 102 pp. *. GER.

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