The Danish Peace Academy

Portland Town

Portland Town

By Derroll Adams

presentation (with Danish text - dont' worry)

Presentation for peace education

This is the first draft of a series of presentations to be used in peace education.
The idea is that the teacher or the student notes down on paper or a computer what is important in the slide show and uses the key words to search for more documentation and literature to be used in the project of study.
All the slides in this show deals with the Vietnam War, its consequences for the humans and reactions to it, based upon a free interpretation of the song Portland Town written and played by the banjo player Derroll Adams. The song from 1957 was originally a comment on the war in Korea.
It is hoped that there in the future will be added more slides to the growing project of establishing a Danish peace education.
Some of the slides presented here don’t need translation and they are rare and are not, to the best of our knowledge, published anywhere else online.
If some of the slides in the show appear rather dark on the computer screen, please feel free to download the slide show and adjust the slides according to your likening.

Related songs:
Derroll Adams: The Mountain on Songs of the Banjoman.
Fred Hellerman: Come Away, Melinda
Malvina Reynolds: The Saigon Children.⟨=it
Pete Seeger: All My Children Of The Sun.⟨=it
Steve Goodman: The Ballad of Penny Evans.
Jeff Siegel: The Ballad of Penny Evans.
Heart and Soul

- Iain MacKintosh: The Ballad of Penny Evans.

See also: The Vietnam War Song Project


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